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Create Knowledge Library Index views

Views are defined sets of fields that you can use in a Knowledge Library Index to organize the Knowledge Library entries. Views are completely customizable and may contain as many or as few fields as required. When you create a view, you can specify the order of the fields and filter information to make the selections shown in the view more specific.

To create a Knowledge Library view:

  1. On the ribbon, click File | Knowledge Library | Knowledge Library Index. Select the applicable KLI and click OK.
  2. In the Knowledge Library Index, click Edit | Define Views.
  3. Click Add View.
  4. In the New View Definition dialog, click the General tab and enter a view name (database name) and display name (name in the drop-down list).
  5. Click the Show Properties tab. The list on the right-hand side of the dialog displays the default columns in the Knowledge Library Index. Use the left and right arrow buttons to add and remove the columns in your view.
  6. If required, reorder the columns by selecting a column and using the up and down arrow buttons.
  7. Complete the other tabs as required.

    Tab Description
    Group By Set the grouping properties for the view.
    Sort Set the sorting properties for the view.

    Limit the records that display in the view to the specified properties. Double-click on any property in the list to copy it into the filter definition box, then further define the filter condition as required.


    • Country="Canada" displays only records where the country value is Canada.
    • versionno="1.0" & language<>"French" displays only records where the version number is 1.0 and the language property is not French.
    Other Settings Set the font and grid lines for the columns and rows in the view.

    Click OK.

  8. The new view displays in the Define Views dialog. Click OK to close the dialog.

The view is created. In the Knowledge Library Index, click the Views drop-down menu and select the view to activate it.

Create Knowledge Library Index groups

If you create multiple views in a Knowledge Library Index, it may be necessary to create groups to organize them. Groups are collections of views that you can assign to specific users based on your requirements. For example, one group could contain all the necessary views for a template author, and another could contain a limited set of views for end-users working in the client file. Each view can belong to multiple groups.

To create a Knowledge Library Index group:

  1. On the ribbon, click File | Knowledge Library | Knowledge Library Index. Select the applicable KLI and click OK.
  2. In the Knowledge Library Index, click Edit | Define Views.
  3. Click Add Group.
  4. In the View Group dialog, enter a group name (database name) and display name (name in the drop-down list).
  5. In the Available Views list, select the views to include in the group. Click the right arrow to move them to the Views in this Group list. Similarly, you can remove views from the group by selecting them in the Views in this Group list and clicking the left arrow. Click OK.
  6. The new group displays in the Define Views dialog. Click OK to close the dialog.

The group is created. In the Define Views dialog, you can drag and drop views to assign or unassign them from a group. To assign a view to more than one group, hold Ctrl on your keyboard as you drag and drop it into subsequent groups.