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Update Knowledge Library links

Documents that contain Knowledge Library links don't update automatically, you need to check for updates to the linked entries manually.

To update Knowledge Library links:

  • On the ribbon, click Document | Update.

The linked entries are compared to the Knowledge Library. Discrepancies will display in the Comparison dialog where you can determine whether to update the link or maintain your current version.


  • Cell group settings in the document where you're inserting Knowledge Library entries will override the settings in the Knowledge Library.
  • Custom permissions in a Knowledge Library section will override any permissions in the existing document.

Update Knowledge Library links using Visual Compare

If you want more control over how you update Knowledge Library links, you can use the Visual Compare tool.

To update Knowledge Library links using Visual Compare:

  1. On the ribbon, click Document | Compare.
  2. In the Compare dialog, select Compare Knowledge Library links to their source. Click Finish.
  3. A dialog displays with a list of linked entries that don't match the source Knowledge Library. Select an entry and click Visual Compare.

A visual comparison displays with the document body above and the source Knowledge Library entries below. Paragraphs, cells and tables with changes are each highlighted in different colors.

Using this visual comparison, you can edit your current document to include changes from the Knowledge Library without having to replace each item entirely. Copy and paste, as well as other CaseView functionality can still be used while in Visual Compare, however, changing the Mode will close Visual Merge and discard any changes. Click Accept and Exit to close the comparison.

Monitor Knowledge Library updates

Use the Monitor function in the Knowledge Library Index to determine usage information about entries and continuously monitor them for updates.

To monitor Knowledge Library updates:

  1. On the ribbon, click File | Knowledge Library | Knowledge Library Index. Select the applicable KLI and click OK.
  2. In the Knowledge Library Index, click File | Knowledge Library Monitor....
  3. Click Add Folder.... Navigate to the folder containing the entries that you want to monitor. Click Select Folder.
  4. Complete any additional options as required.

    Option Description
    Delete Folder

    Click to remove the selected folder from the monitor list and any existing entries in the database.

    Delete All Folders

    Click to remove all folders from the monitor list and clear the database.

    Update Folder

    Click to refresh the monitor list for the selected folder in the database. This update applies any changes to the folder structure, client files and documents.

    Update All Folders

    Click to refresh the monitor list for all folders in the database. This update applies any changes to the folder structure, client files and documents.


    Click to generate a comma delimited text file (.CSV) containing entry updates and usage information.

    Close the Knowledge Library Monitor.

Usage and update information populates the Section Usage tab of the Knowledge Library Index.