TS Database

The following describes the fields in the TS (Issues) database.

Field Contents Description
ARCHIVE Logical Indicates if the issue is being archived
ASSIGNEDTO 22 characters The user the issue is assigned to
CLEARED 1 character Indicates if the issue was cleared
CLEAREDBY 22 characters The user who cleared the issue
CLEAREDON 14 characters The date and time the issue was cleared on
COMPLETEBY 22 characters The user who completed the issue
COMPLETEON 14 characters The date and time the issue was completed on
CREATEDBY 22 characters The user who created the issue
CREATEDON 14 characters The date and time the issue was created
CWDATED 14 characters The date and time the description was modified on
CWDATER 14 characters The date and time the resolution was modified on
CWGUID 22 characters Issue identifier
DESC Memo field, 10 characters Issue description
DOCID 22 characters Document identifier
DUEON 14 characters The date and time the issue is due on
EXINFO Memo field, 10 characters Extended information about the issue
FIELD 64 characters Not used
FILEID 22 characters File identifier
HISTORYCOM 22 characters Indicates if the history was completed
HISTORYCRE 22 characters Indicates the history events created
ID 12 characters Issue number
MODIFIEDON 14 characters The date and time the issue was modified
OBJECTID 128 characters Object identifier
OBJECTTYPE 2 characters Object type
PERCENT 3 characters Issue completion percentage
PRIORITY 1 character Issue priority
REMINDED 14 characters Not used
REMINDER 14 characters Issue reminder
RESOLUTION Memo field, 10 characters Issue resolution
ROLL Logical Indicates if the issue is being rolled forward
STARTON 14 characters The date and time the issue started on
STATUS 1 character Issue status
SUBJECT 254 characters Issue subject
TYPE 2 characters Issue type