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Compare milestones

Use milestones to track progress in a document. Compare between a specific milestone and the current version of the document to see what content changed. To compare milestones in CaseView, see Create document milestones.

You can compare differences by section or document.

  • Document compare: View a side-by-side comparison of the entire document.
  • Section compare: View side-by-side comparison of a specific section.

To compare a milestone:

  1. From the Document Manager, right-click on the applicable document and click Compare.
  2. The Compare dialog displays. Choose the milestone you want to compare to the document. Click Compare.
  3. The Common Sections dialog displays. Choose a comparison method to launch Visual Compare.

In Visual Compare, you can easily view the changes to a document. Added content displays highlighted in green, and removed content displays highlighted in red. To quickly jump between changes in the document, click Next Diff or Prev Diff.

Note: You can only compare CaseView and automatic documents in Working Papers. For other document types, you must use an external comparison tool.

Designate the default comparison

You can designate the default behavior when comparing document milestones so that you don't have to make a selection each time.

To designate the default comparison:

  1. On the ribbon, click Engagement | History.
  2. Click the Auto-Compare tab.
  3. In the Automatically compare documents group, click the To: drop-down menu, and select the default option for comparison.

    Comparison Description
    None (Default)

    Select what to compare the document to from the prompt.

    Last Saved Milestone

    Compares the current document to the last saved milestone by the specified user.

    Last Milestone

    Compares the current document to the last saved milestone by event category and the specified user.

    Last Completion

    Compares the current document to the last saved milestone by role and the specified user.

    Last Access

    Compares the current document to the milestone generated the last time the document was accessed by a specific user.

    If your Engagement History settings generate a milestone every time a document is accessed, use Last Access to display changes made to the document since it was last opened.


    Compares the current document to the milestone generated when lock down occurred or when a post-lock down milestone was generated.

    Click Apply.

The default comparison is set. Performing a document comparison now skips the selection dialog.