Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Setup > Licenses and registration > Renew a license

Renew a license

When your license is about to expire, you'll receive a reminder to renew it each time you open Working Papers. The expiring license will remain active in the form of a grace license until renewed.

A prompt stating that the Working Papers grace license is expiring with options to continue or register

Option Description
Continue Continue using Working Papers with a grace license.
Remind Always Display the reminder each time you open Working Papers. Click the drop-down menu to change the frequency of the reminder.
Register License Open the Registration Wizard to register Working Papers with a renewed license.

If you've renewed your license but the expiry date has not changed, you can manually perform a license check to resolve the issue.

To check for a renewed license:

  1. On the ribbon, click Tools | Licensing | Check License.
  2. If a renewed license is available, the Registration Wizard displays with your new Authorization Code automatically populated.
  3. Complete the Registration Wizard to renew your license.

Your Working Papers license is renewed.

Note: If you do not renew your license, Working Papers will operate in read-only mode after expiration. In read-only mode, you can view existing files but you cannot modify them.