What's New in Audit 17.00

The following describes the features, enhancements, and fixes for Audit 17.00

  • Added Constellation™ feature which provides the ability to configure various views and reports to display all the key knowledge accumulated in the engagement file at different stages of the audit. See more...
  • Titles have been replaced by the use of groupings and sub groupings and therefore adding or modifying titles are now disabled.
  • Mini Risk Report in Work Programs and Checklists will now display the Audit Response column.
  • Mini Risk Report will now display a star icon for significant risks.
  • You can now view procedures and responses in the Document Map.
  • You can now add a Mini-Management Letter Report in work programs. See more... and more...
  • Risk, Control and Reportable Items dialogs have been updated with a quick access doormat menu, apply button, cancel button and identifier field. See more... and more... and more...
  • Control dialog has been updated with Control Design, Changed since Previous Evaluation, Frequency of Control, Maturity Level fields. See more...
  • The Risk dialog will now grey-out any assertions that are not relevant to the FSA area.
  • The Risk and Control dialog will now display all Material and Non-Material FSA.
  • A conclusion section has been added to the control matrix determine if controls exist for the risk on each assertion and make an assessment on the control risk on each assertion. See more...
  • You can now filter, create, save and delete views in the control matrix. See more...
  • Control matrix layout has been updated to include all columns in the control dialog. These columns can be reordered and headings can be merged for improved usability and workflow.
  • You can now auto-populate inherent, control and RMM columns. See more... and more...
  • You can now display all assertions rows by using the Display All Assertion Rows option from the right-click menu.
  • The Ref column will now display a risk counter that shows the number of risks for each FSA item and assertion. Significant risks will be identifiable with a star icon. See more...
  • You can now bring back programs for material FSA items which were deleted manually or by the Optimiser or from subsequent year. See more...
  • New warning icon will appear when the aggregate of proposed adjustments + final balance is greater than materiality. See more...
  • A prompt will now display if there are non-material financial statements areas and direct the user to the Optimiser Confirmation Report to optimise their file.
  • A warning flag will now display if any changes occur in the FSA after sign off. See more...
  • You can now have multiple FSAs in one engagement file.
  • All W/P references are now retained when regenerating the FSA.
  • A warning flag will now display near any FSA assertions that are not being addressed by any audit procedures in the associated audit program. See more...
  • Added an Annotation column to the FSA with the ability to add notes, tickmarks and references. See more...
  • Selecting Refresh will now only overwrite any changes to reportable items that have been modified since the last time the report was refreshed.
  • You can now add a table of contents and cover page to the Management Letter.
  • You can now lock the configuration structure and areas settings for firm authors in the Management Letter.
  • You can now create custom headers/footers including support for images.
  • You can now sort the Management Letter by Classification, Rating, and Grouping.
  • The Source column in the Management Letter Report will now display the linked procedure numbers and names beside the document numbers.
  • You can now link a specific procedure to a reportable item in the Reportable item dialog.
  • You can now add a status of reportable item in the Reportable item dialog.
  • The optimiser will now stop running when opening a work program once an FSA item is finalized. Selecting the checkbox in the Risk Assessment Completed column will indicate that the FSA item is finalized. See more...
  • The optimiser now has an option to insert procedures linked to a risk upon opening a document with the linked risk. See more...
  • Added the ability to automate the risk assessment level for inherent risk, control risk and RMM to populate in the FSA.
  • Added the ability to show and hide Adjusted materiality values at the top of each form. See more...
  • You can now unlock author mode in the AO | General Options document.
  • Added a spell check for all input description fields in risk, control and reportable item dialog.
  • You can now launch the Risk, Control, and Reportable Item dialogs from the Template Toolbar.
  • You can now import external data from another client file. See more...
  • All rounding in the Audit template is now based on Automatic CaseView Rounding settings set in the Working Trial Balance | Settings for Report except for the 335 - Worksheet - Summary of Identified Misstatements.
  • You can now lock the value from a cell calculation in the Current Period column in 420 - Materiality document. See more...
  • New and update tags are now added to any new or updated documents after an update. Documents will now be placed based on its location in the Master Template.
  • Improved the performance of the FSA document.
  • Firm Authors can now make changes to procedures in Work Programs and Checklists without pushing the changes to the engagement file. See more...
  • Changes made to Document Structure Version in Document Properties are now retained.