What's New in Audit 18.00

The following describes the features, enhancements, and fixes for Audit 18.00.

Note: For more information on content updates made to Audit International 18.00, see Audit 18.00 International Content Updates.

  • You can now control who can modify the date after a procedure is signed off based on Working Papers permissions.

  • The Ref column in Checklists and Work Programs now includes a Reference button ( ) to add new references to the column. See more... and more...

  • Reviewers can now edit a procedure response or procedure response comment in checklists even after it has been signed-off. See more...

  • The Document Manager will now display the name entered in the Document Properties dialog for new Work Programs and Checklists.

  • Procedures no longer can be modified after they have been signed-off. Users will need to clear sign-off to modify the procedure.

  • Imported procedures now display correct formatting and bullets, current date and version number.

  • Firm authors can now modify the version number for Document Guidance and Conclusion area to control whether to trigger an update in the engagement file. See more...

  • A new Procedure is Library Only option in the Procedure Properties dialog is now available enabling firm authors to mark procedures as optional. Firm authors can also quickly remove all optional procedures in a work program. See more...

  • You can now automate the risk assessment of RMM at an entity level. See more... and more...

  • You can now automate which audit response columns to display based on the inherent risk, control risk and RMM scoring set in the Define Scoring dialog in the AO - General Options. See more... and more...
  • Double-clicking a risk counter in the Financial Statement Areas Worksheet will no longer launch the risk report but the risk dialog with the associated risks in the doormat. See more...
  • The Risk Ref. column now appears near the Relevant Assertions column.

  • The FSA now retains business cycles after regenerating the FSA.

  • You can now add non-numeric values to the FSA Audit Areas.

  • The Lock both refresh and generate option is removed from the FSA configuration to improve usability. See more...

  • Refreshing the FSA will now add any FSA groupings or new rows outside the configured mask level.

  • Moving an FSA item to a new audit area will now move any associated risk or controls.

  • You can now display or hide FSA items with a zero balance. See more...

  • A warning flag will now display near any FSA assertions in the Audit Response Table if it is not being addressed by any audit procedures in the associated audit program. See more...

  • The Identifier field will now auto populate the user ID and append a sequential number so that each risks, controls and reportable items are unique. See more...
  • You can now choose to import associations when importing risks, controls and reportable items. See more...
  • A new Entities field has been added to Risk, Control and Reportable Items dialogs with a corresponding Entities column in the Risk and Control reports. See more...
  • Optimiser can now add or delete procedures based on the audit response by assertions. See more...
  • You now have the ability to change your response in the optimiser checklist. Depending on your new selection, you now can now re-insert or delete documents and procedures. See more...
  • You can now define and set procedure conditions to individual procedures. See more...
  • You can now toggle to display or hide the custom introduction or conclusion in Risk or Control reports. See more...
  • Final and Preliminary materiality balances are now displayed in the materiality freeze and can be drilled down.
  • Modified the terminology of “Pervasive” risks to “Entity Level” risks.
  • Hiding or displaying document guidance is now accessible in the document toolbar. See more...
  • It is now possible to save update settings that can be reused for future files. See more...