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Engagement Grouping Interface

Leadsheet numbers are used in grouping accounts on a leadsheet or grouping schedule. You do not have to create the leadsheet and grouping schedule documents before creating the leadsheet numbers. Leadsheet numbers are independent of document numbers.

Column Description
Number Enter a number to be assigned to a leadsheet. This can be up to 40 digits and alphanumeric.
L/S (Flip)

Select the L/S number to be used if the account is flipped.


Enter a leadsheet description for the L/S number. This description can be linked to cells in CaseView.

Click to enter an extended description for the leadsheet number. This description does not appear on the printed document. It is available for linking to alphanumeric cells in CaseView documents using the Linkage dialog.

Leadsheet numbers that have extended descriptions appear as .

Tags Click to add a tag to the L/S number. For more information, see Creating Mapping and Grouping Tags.
Title Select to apply the current line as a heading.

Select the statement type (Balance sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow, or Performance) where the L/S number is applicable.

  • In order for the map/group adjustment amount to be included in the net income amount, each leadsheet number must be denoted as either a balance sheet or income statement.
  • If a leadsheet/group number has the Type set to Income Statement, then adjusting journal entries made directly to that leadsheet/group number will be included in the Net Income on all automatic documents (i.e. Trial Balance) that are grouped by that particular leadsheet/group.
  • If the Type is changed to or from Income statement, then a full repost is done to update the adjusting entry Net Income.

Select Debit or Credit as the normal sign for the map number if applicable. Select Credit if the account is normally a credit balance. If the account has a debit balance, then the amount is displayed or printed with brackets. Select Debit if the account is normally a debit balance. When selected, if the account has a credit balance, the amount is displayed or printed with brackets.


Select the type of map behavior. The following are available behavior types: 

  • Normal -Set the row to behave as a normal leadsheet.
  • Calculated - Set the row as a calculated row. Click the calculation column to input the applicable formula.
  • Unassignable - Set the row as unassignable.
  • Filtered - Set the row as filtered.
Class Select the appropriate ratio class when applicable. Ratio classes are used in conducting Analytical reviews and when generating ratios. They are also useful in the preparation of the Summary of Uncorrected Misstatements document. For more information, please see Ratio Class List.
Formatting Select to format the leadsheet/group number to display single, double or no underline below its totals in a report.

Click to enter the calculation for the leadsheet line.

Leadsheet numbers that have a calculation appear as in the leadsheet list.

Note: All columns in the Assign Leadsheet/Group Numbers dialog, except the number column, can be hidden from the user’s view. To hide or reveal any column, point the cursor at the column headings, right-click, and hide or reveal columns as required.

Flip Type

Select to display the flip type for the row. See Setting flips in the mapping/group database for details on each flip type.

Column Description
Number Enter a number to be assigned to a group. This can be up to 40 digits and alphanumeric.
Group (Flip)

Select the group number to be used if the account is flipped.


Enter a group number description for the group. This description can be linked to cells in CaseView.

Click to enter an extended description for the group number. This description does not appear on the printed document. It is available for linking to alphanumeric cells in CaseView documents using the Linkage dialog.

Group numbers that have extended descriptions appear as .

Tags Click to add a tag to the group number. For more information, see Creating Mapping and Grouping Tags.
Title Select to apply the current line as a heading.

Select the statement type ( Balance sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow, or Performance) the group number is applicable.

  • In order for the map/group adjustment amount to be included in the net income amount, each leadsheet number must be denoted as either a balance sheet or income statement.
  • If a leadsheet/group number has the Type set to Income Statement, then adjusting journal entries made directly to that leadsheet/group number will be included in the Net Income on all automatic documents (i.e. Trial Balance) that are grouped by that particular leadsheet/group.
  • If the Type is changed to or from Income statement, then a full repost is done to update the adjusting entry Net Income.

Select Debit or Credit as the normal sign for the map number if applicable. Select Credit if the account is normally a credit balance. If the account has a debit balance, then the amount is displayed or printed with brackets. Select Debit if the account is normally a debit balance. When selected, if the account has a credit balance, the amount is displayed or printed with brackets.


Select the type of map behavior. The following are available behavior types: 

  • Normal -Set the row to behave as a normal leadsheet.
  • Calculated- Set the row as a calculated row. Click the calculation column to input the applicable formula.
  • Unassignable - Set the row as unassignable.
  • Filtered - Set the row as filtered.
Class Select the appropriate ratio class when applicable. Ratio classes are used in conducting Analytical reviews and when generating ratios. They are also useful in the preparation of the Summary of Uncorrected Misstatements document. For more information, please see Ratio Class List.
Formatting Select to format the leadsheet/group number to display single, double or no underline below its totals in a report.

Click to enter the calculation for the hrouping

Group numbers that have a calculation appear as in the leadsheet list.

Note: All columns in the Assign Leadsheet/Group Numbers dialog, except the number column, can be hidden from the user’s view. To hide or reveal any column, point the cursor at the column headings, right-click, and hide or reveal columns as required.

Flip Type

Select to display the flip type for the row. See Setting flips in the mapping/group database for details on each flip type.

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