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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > Accounting and Assurance > Working Trial Balance > Setting Flips in the Mapping and Grouping Database
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Setting Flips in the Mapping/Grouping Database

  1. On the Engagement menu, select Mapping, opening the mapping database.
  2. Right-click the heading row and show flip accounts.
  3. Locate the appropriate map/group number and enter a flip number for the map/group number.

  4. In the Flip type column for each of the applicable accounts enter the method to display the flip accounts. The choices are:

    Individual Sets accounts to flip on an individual balance. If the leadsheet or map number balance, for example, is a debit balance and one of the accounts assigned to the leadsheet or map number is a credit, that account flips to the assigned "Flip leadsheet" or "Flip map number".
    Display if debit

    Sets accounts to display if the total of the leadsheet or map number is debit. This should be used for Assets groups.

    For example, if the total of "A" cash leadsheet is a credit all the accounts assigned to that leadsheet flip to the "AA" leadsheet, regardless of their individual balances. If the total of the all the accounts in the leadsheet is a debit, the accounts remain on the "A" leadsheet.

    Display if credit Sets accounts to display if the total balance of all accounts on the leadsheet or map number is credit. This should be used for liability accounts.
    Display if debit (use subs) Allows a map number and all of its sub accounts (children) to display if the total of all their balances are debit. This applies to both automatic documents in CaseWare and CaseView linkage calculations.
    Display if credit (use subs) Allows a map number and all of its sub accounts (children) to display if the total of all their balances are credit. This applies to both automatic documents in CaseWare and CaseView linkage calculations.
    Based on Parent

    When a parent map number has either of the "use subs" options selected, the flip type of all its sub accounts (children) have flip types set to "Based on parent".

    For example, if map 100 has the Flip Type property "Display if credit (use subs)", all of its subs (100.01, 100.02, 100.02.01, etc.), will then have the flip type "Based on parent".

    Display by debits and credits

    With this option selected, accounts with the same sign are grouped together and summed. All accounts with a sign of debit are summed together; all accounts with a sign of credit are summed together.

    Where the total balance of the debit accounts is a debit, the accounts display on their map or group number; where the total balance of debit accounts is a credit, the accounts display on their flip map or group number. Similarly with credit accounts, should their total balance be credit, they display on their map or group number, otherwise they display on the flip map or group number.

    The sign of map number 100 is debit; map number 200 is a credit and the flip type for both is Display by debits and credits as follows:

    Map Number Sign Flip Type



    Display by debits and credits



    Display by debits and credits

    The accounts are mapped to map number 100 as follows:

    Account Map Map Flip Sign Balance
    101 100 200 Debit 200.00
    102 100 200 Debit -600.00
    103 200 100 Credit 75.00
    104 200 100 Credit 225.00

    Total of debits (Account 101 and 102): -400.00

    Total of credits (Account 103 and 104): 300.00

    Since the total of the debit accounts is actually a credit, the opposite of their sign, these accounts display on their map flip number (200).

    Similarly, the total of the credit accounts is actually a debit, the opposite of their sign, they too display on their map flip number (100).

    Map (Flip) Balance
    100 300.00
    200 -400.00

    Note: If a flip number is removed, the flip type returns to Individual by default.

  5. Locate the map number that you designated as the flip map number. Under its flip number column, enter the first map number as its flip number.

The appropriate account balance is flipped to reflect the correct categorization. For example, flipping the bank account displays the account in the Asset section the Balance sheet only if it has a debit balance. Conversely, if the bank account has a credit balance, it displays in the Liabilities section in the Balance sheet.

  • Flip numbers should be used only on a one to one basis and must be assigned to the same accounts on both side of the flip. For example, when Map No 111 has been assigned Flip number 211; Map No 211 should then be assigned the Flip number 111. Assigning a flip number to an account but not assigning the corresponding map number as the flip for the account being flipped to may cause unpredictable results.
  • If modifying a map number that already has accounts assigned, you must perform an autofill on the map number in order to update the assigned accounts for the property changes. To see how to autofill map numbers, see Specifying the method of completion for account mapping