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-- Reference --

Manual Installation Syntax Values

SmartSync Server supports manual installations where monitoring and manual input during the installation process are not required. Silent installations are executed from the Run command or from a Command Prompt window. >>How Do I?


Command Description

The SmartSync Server installer:

  • setup64bit.exe - for 64 bit servers.
  • setup32bit.exe - for 32 bit servers.
Switch Description

Required switch requesting a silent installation.

/V Required switch requesting arguments be passed to the MSIExec engine.
" Use the double quotation character (").

Required switch requesting minimal messages and a progress bar. Only basic messages, such as "Restart required", will display.

Set certain properties from the command-line after the switch.

Property Description

Required variable specifying the type of account used:

  • 0 - network service.
  • 1 - local service.
  • 2 - named user.

(Required if ACCOUNTTYPE=2) The user name for the named user:

  • username - local user.
  • domain\username - local account.
IS_NET_API_LOGON_PASSWORD= (Required if ACCOUNTTYPE=2) The password of the named user.

Required variable specifying the folder used by the SmartSync FileService.


Required variable specifying the folder where SmartSync files are stored. Use a UNC file path if the files are stored on a different server than the server running SmartSync FileService.