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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > CaseWare Working Papers > Environments and Electronic Licensing > The SmartSync Server File Service
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SmartSync Server FileService

The SmartSync FileService process monitors the request folder for XML request files. FileService processes the request files by starting up one instance of Working Papers per request in a command-line mode. Once complete, or an error is found, FileService deletes the request file and generates a response file containing the error code and error message in the request folder.

The default request folder is C:\CWRequests. A different folder can be specified during installation or with the registry key HKLM\Software\CaseWare International\FileService\XXXX.XX\RequestPath, where XXXX.XX is the version of SmartSync Server being used. This key can be of type REG_SZ, in which case the exact path specified becomes the request path, or of type REG_EXPAND_SZ, in which case any environment variables in the path are expanded first.

Stopping FileService cancels any unscheduled tasks. Running tasks run to completion. Shutting down the server stops the service and cancels all tasks.

Most requests and processes are logged to the GeneralLog.log file in the request folder.

Every 15 minutes the Statistics.xml file is updated in the request folder containing the following statistics:

  • File service running time (in milliseconds).
  • The number of invalid request files processed (for example, a request file containing no operation).
  • The number of request files that have been detected but not actually scheduled.
  • The number of preempted request files.

Additionally, the following statistics are available for each operation:

  • The number of in-progress requests.
  • The number of cancelled requests.
  • The total number of completed requests.
  • The number of requests that failed (where Working Papers returned an error code).
  • The number of long-running requests.
  • The number of requests made that Working Papers detected as redundant (for example, requesting a conversion of a file that has already been converted).
  • The total time taken for all requests.
  • The longest time taken by a request.

FileService only schedules a fixed number of tasks limited by the number of processors on the server. The number of tasks allowed can be modified.

Within the request folder are two subfolders, High and Low. Requests generated by users in the interface, such as file conversions, go in the High folder and the requested task is processed as soon as possible. Requests generated by the system, such as flush requests, go in the Low folder and the requested task is usually scheduled for off-peak hours. FileService will preempt any low-priority tasks to process high-priority tasks. Low priority tasks preempted this way will still be processed if they will not prevent other high-priority tasks.

Scheduled low-priority tasks are usually started during a specified time range (by default Tuesday to Friday 12:00am to 6:00am, and from Friday 10:00pm to Monday 6:00am). Once started, the tasks aren't cancelled until the process has finished, regardless of the low-priority scheduled end time.

Tasks that run continuously for a long period of time are moved to the long-running queue to not block other tasks. This queue has a maximum number of long running tasks (by default 4). Adding a long-running task over the maximum number cancels the longest running task to make room of the new one. FileService checks the queue periodically for tasks that exceed the maximum run time and cancels them. Completed long running tasks are removed from the queue and a response file is generated.

Cancelled tasks generate an error message in the system event log as well as the response file.

When the file service is started, it will begin processing all high priority tasks and, if in the low priority time range, low priority tasks.

Response files older than 48 hours are considered stale and deleted by the file service.

Configure FileService settings in the FileService.exe.config file. To add a setting, open FileService.exe.config and add a line to the file between the <appSettings> tag and the </appSettings> tag with the following syntax <add key="setting" value="value" /> where "setting" refers to the Setting Name in the following table and "value" is the value that you are setting it to.

For a list of values available for FileService, see SmartSync FileService Settings.

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