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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > CaseWare Working Papers > Environments and Electronic Licensing > Adding Publish Folders using a Configuration File
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Adding Publish Folders Using a Configuration File

A configuration file can be used instead of the Collection Editor to define publish value keys, simplifying the process of creating and maintaining complex keys.

Create a file named publish.xml in your SmartSync Server folder. Example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SmartSync. The configuration file will override collections created in the Collection Editor.

The configuration file must use the following syntax:

  • <settings>
    • <directory>
      • <label>%%ClientName%%</label>
      • <location>\\SERVER2\FILES\%YearEnd%</location>
    • </directory>
    • <field>
      • <label>Color</label>
      • <name>Color</name>
      • <type>string</type>
      • <default>None</default>
      • <minimum></minimum>
      • <maximum></maximum>
      • <list>
        • <item>
          • <label>Blue</label>
          • <value>Blue</value>
        • </item>
        • <item>
          • <label>Green</label>
          • <value>Green</value>
        • </item>
      • </list>
    • </field>
  • </settings>

For information on syntax values, see Configuration File Syntax Values.

  • You can add custom meta-data in the publishing path. These custom fields enable you to define directory names specific to your firm. Furthermore, custom fields can be defined to present Working Papers users with a drop-down list of options if displayed on the client side. These options are defined as items in the <list> element

  • Label tags accept a ‘language’ attribute for localized descriptions of publish folders or fields. For each element, multiple label tags can be added – each with a different language attribute designating the language of the label. Example:

    • <label>Default language label</label>
    • <label language=”en”>Generic English label</label>
    • <label language=”en-US”>English (US) label</label>
    • <label language=”fr”>Generic French label</label>

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