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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > CaseWare Working Papers > Environments and Electronic Licensing > Adding Publish Folders using Meta-Data
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Adding Publish Folders Using Meta-Data

Publish folders and labels, defined in a publish value key, can use Working Papers meta-data to create dynamic folder names. By using meta-data, each folder level can adhere to a data category, such as locales, client identifiers, or date/time.

Meta-data fields in publish value keys must have the following syntax: \\servername\foldername\%ServerMetaDataFolder%"%ServerMetaDataLabel"\%%ClientMetaDataFolder%%"ClientMetaDataLabel"


  • A key value of \\SERVER1\FILES\%CompanyCity%"%ClientNumber%", with the client file:

    • Company City - Springfield
    • Client Number - 1010

    creates the folder \\SERVER1\FILES\Springfield on the server and labels the client files as 1010.

  • A key value of \\SERVER2\FILES\%YearEndYear%\%YearEndMon%\%%ClientName%%, with the client file:

    • Year End Year - 2014
    • Year End Month - December
    • Client Name - ABC Limited

    creates the folder \\SERVER2\FILES\2014\Dec on the server. Opening a sync copy on a workstation creates the folder ABC Limited in their default sync path.

  • If the server is unable to resolve a meta-field, it is removed from the path and all subsequent folders in the path are moved up one folder.

  • For client side substitutions, each meta-field must be resolved in order for files to be published.

  • Meta-fields with date types can be formatted by appending a suffix to the field name:


    Suffix Formatting Example
    Year Numeric Year 2011
    Month Full month name October
    Mon Three letter abbreviation for month Oct
    Day Numeric day of the month 21
    Date Date with format DD/MM/YYYY 21/10/2011
    Time Time with format HH:MM:SS 17:30:15 – [UTC]


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