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Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Accounting and Assurance > Automatic Documents > dBase Filter
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dBase Filter

A dBase filter can be used on some automatic documents to filter results. Only transactions, accounts or balances matching the dBase filter will display. A filter can be established on any field in the AM or GL database. Multiple conditions can be used.

DATABASE -> FIELDComparison operator VALUE

  • AM->TYPE="B"

    Only accounts in the AM database with an account type of "B" (i.e. Balance Sheet) will display.

  • LTRIM(AM->AC_NO)="1*"

    Only accounts in the AM database with an account number starting with 1 will display. The LTRIM function removes spaces that are added to the left of the account number when stored in the database.


    Only accounts in the AM database that are assigned to the abbreviated entities SAP or NTRP will display. The REPENT function is used to evaluate the entity abbreviation. The | operator (OR) is used to combine two filter commands. Accounts will display if either condition is true

  • INANN("R", "", "AM") = 0 & INANN("T","", "AM") = 0

    Only accounts in the AM database that contain a reference and tickmark will display. The INANN function is used to evaluate whether a tickmark or reference is associated. The & operator (AND) is used to join both conditions.


    Only transactions in the GL database in which the description starts with "ABC COMPANY" will display. This filter is case sensitive.


    Only transactions in the GL database in which the description starts with "ABC COMPANY" will display. The UPPER function is used to remove case sensitivity.

  • Filters can be enhanced by using Text functions to define the filter. For more information, see Text functions.
  • Filters may contain multiple conditions. Use & And or | Or to join the conditions.
  • The maximum length for a database filter is 200 characters.
  • Modifying the format of an automatic document containing a filter may cause the filter to no longer work or work in an unexpected way. The filter may have to be modified to work correctly.

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