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Setting Security for PDF Documents

Add a password when creating a PDF to control access to the file and what can be modified when the PDF file is viewed.

Passwords added to a PDF during creation only apply to that PDF. This protection is separate from the Protection rights and levels set in Working Papers.

Two passwords can be set per file:

  • The first controls the security permissions and is called the Owner password in Working Papers. In Adobe products, this is called the Permissions password. Entering this password when viewing the file in a PDF-creation application allows the user to modify the permissions for other users. It is recommended that the owner password be set on all financial statements published in PDF format.
  • The second password controls access to the file and is called the User password in Working Papers. In Adobe products, this is called the Document Open password. Entering this password when viewing the file in a PDF-creation application allows the user to make changes or activities in the file.

It is recommended that the passwords do not match. Matching passwords enable all users to have full rights to the file and can enter the document security settings without a further prompt.

Set up the security settings and passwords each time a PDF file is created. Recreating a PDF file may overwrite the previous copy and any security settings.

Forgotten or misplaced passwords cannot be retrieved. It is recommended that you record the password(s) in a safe location.

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