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Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Engagement Management > Packager > Performing Silent Installations of Packaged Templates
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Performing Silent Installations of Packaged Templates

When installing a packaged, repackaged, or patched template, you have the option of using the Install Template Package Wizard to guide you through the necessary steps, or alternately, you can perform a completely automated, or unattended, installation that requires no user input.

An unattended installation means you can install a greater number of packaged templates with a higher degree of efficiency. It also allows the creator of the unattended installation to predetermine and customize the various options available during the installation process.

To enable this functionality, you need to create a response file (silentcwp.ini) in which you specify the desired values for all settings that require user input during installation. This file is placed in the same folder as the packaged template that you want to install.

  1. Create a silentcwp.ini file in the same folder as the packaged template that you want to install. >>How Do I?
  2. Locate and run the template package (.cwp file) to begin the installation. The screens that are displayed during installation are determined by the settings you defined in the silentcwp.ini file.
  3. If you chose to display the Confirmation page upon completion of the installation, exit the page to close the program. If you chose to hide the Confirmation page, the program will close automatically when installation is complete.

The template is now installed on the workstation. You can choose the new template when you create a new file or if you go to Tools | Template.

  • See Settings for the silentcwp.ini File for a list of the values you need to set in your silentcwp.ini file.
  • See Sample silentcwp.ini File for an example of a properly formatted silentcwp.ini file.
  • Clicking Cancel or closing the Install Template Package Wizard before the template has been installed will display an interruption screen.
  • An error page will display if the template installation was unsuccessful unless specified otherwise in your silentcwp.ini file.

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