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XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an open specification that uses XML-based data tags to describe financial statements for both public and private companies. It is intended for use in the preparation and exchange of business reports and data. XBRL was developed to provide an XML-based framework that global businesses can use to create, exchange, and analyze financial reporting information including annual and quarterly financial statements, general ledger information, and audit schedules. Working Papers and CaseView support of XBRL to include:

  • The ability to apply dimensional context to values which, in the past, may have required the manual creation of a tag. Please note, the taxonomy must support Dimensions for this feature to be available.
  • Support of the 2.1 taxonomy standard.
  • To export the CaseView document and their subdocuments as an Inline XBRL enhanced HTML document.
  • Manage and map your taxonomies to map numbers.
  • To import the XBRL file into Working Papers to be used in your client file.

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  • Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an open specification that uses XML-based data tags to describe financial statements.

  • CaseView documents can be tagged with XBRL information and then used to publish any document in an XBRL format. This process is simplified if the CaseView document is created using map numbers and the map numbers have already been associated with the XBRL taxonomy in Working Papers.

  • In order to copy the XBRL information assigned to the map numbers in the file using the Copy Components, you must select "All Components" in the Copy Components screen. By doing this, the taxonomy assignments copy along with the map numbers.