You are here: Help Topics > Customization > Design and layout > Save Style Sheet dialog

Save Style Sheet Dialog

Saves. Use this command to save the current style sheet for the first time or under a different name. The Windows Save file dialog appears.

Save in

Select the drive where you want to store the style sheet file. Select the directory where you want to store the style sheet file.

A listing of the existing documents in the selected folder appears below. The files shown are restricted to those of the file format specified in the Save as type box.

File Name

To save a style sheet with a new name, type a new file name.

To save a style sheet with an existing file name, select the name in the list or type the current name. When you choose the OK button, CaseView asks if you want to overwrite the existing style sheet.

Save as type

CaseView can save style only sheet files with the. STY extension.