You are here: Help Topics > Customization > Design and layout > To add a style to a document

Adding a Style to a Document

  1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click to open the Style dialog.

  2. Click Style Sheets.

    Note: By default, the styles in the current document display in the left style list box. The right pane style list box displays the styles from the last used document. The file name appears above each style list box.

  3. From the Styles available in drop-down list in the right pane, select the file that contains the styles you would like to add to the current document. The styles in that document or style sheet display in the window below. The file name displays above the list.

    If the file is not listed in the drop-down, select More files and browse for the desired file. Styles can be copied from either a style sheet (.sty) or from an existing CaseView document (.cvw). If the CaseView file is not currently open, the styles list is marked as read-only. Styles from these kinds of documents can be copied into the existing document only. Highlight the file and click Open.

  4. In the right style list box, highlight the style to be copied to the current document and click Copy. If the style already exists in the current document, CaseView asks you to confirm that you want to overwrite the existing style. Click Yes.
  5. Repeat step 4 for all the styles you want to transfer to the current document.
  6. Click Close.


  • The Style Sheet Organizer can also be used to copy styles from the current document into a style sheet or to copy styles to another CaseView document. Styles can be copied into only CaseView documents that are actively open. Files that are not open are marked Read-only. Styles from these files can be copied out of the file, but no styles can be copied into the file until the file is opened.

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