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Tabs Tab - Format Style Dialog

Default tab stop

Indicates the spacing between the default tab stops. The default tab stops in CaseView occur every 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) from the left margin. To change the spacing between default tab stops, enter a value in the Default tab stop box.

Tab List

Lists any tab stops that are set in the current paragraph.


Select group, position, alignment and leader parameters for the tab.

Cell Group

Lists the cell groups with tab settings. Click on a cell group to view the tab stop in the tab position box. To use a cell group tab stop, click the New tab button and then click the desired cell group.


Lists the tab position of the selected tab marker. To create a new tab marker, choose the New tab button and then enter the position of the tab marker on the horizontal ruler.


Select the alignment of the text in relation to the tab stop.


Extends text to the right of the tab stop.


Centers text at the tab stop.


Extends text to the left of the tab stop. If text fills the space to the left of the tab stop, the text often extends to the right.


If you would like a line drawn between tabbed entries, such as from an index entry to the corresponding page number, select a line style for the line.

Display only

If selected, text or cells aligned under the tab stop will skip when printed.

New tab

Click to add a new tab stop to the list.

Delete tab

Click to delete the tab stop selected in the list.

Clear All

Click to clear all existing tab stops in the list.

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