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Manual, link, placeholder, Word and Excel properties

Modify the properties of new or existing manual, link, placeholder, Word and Excel documents.


Specify general properties for the document.

Option Description


Enter a unique document number. Document numbers can contain up to 40 alphanumeric characters.


Enter a name for the document.


Select a document link type below to learn more about the specific options available for that type.

Manual Document

  • No additional options.

File or URL

  • Placeholder: Select to make the document a placeholder.
  • File/URL: Enter a website URL, or click Browse to locate a file.
  • Run: Select how to run the file or url from the drop-down menu.

Word or Excel Document (.docx, .docm, .doc, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls)

  • Placeholder: Select to make the document a placeholder.
  • Location: Enter the file path, or click Browse to locate the file.
  • Template: Select a template from the drop-down menu.
  • Run: Select how to run the file or url from the drop-down menu.

Image Document

  • Placeholder: Select to make the document a placeholder.
  • Location: Enter the image file path, or click Browse to locate the image.
  • Viewer: Select which viewer to display the image in from the drop-down menu.


  • Application: Select an application from the drop-down menu.
  • Setup: Open the Setup Helper Applications dialog.
  • Arguments: Enter function arguments to modify how the application runs.
  • Run: Select how to run the file or url from the drop-down menu.

Lock Down

Select to lock down the document when performing a lock down. This option is enabled by default.

Retain on Cleanup

Select to retain the document when performing a cleanup.

Include in Index

Select to include the document in the Document Index.

Roll Forward

Select to roll forward the document into the next year file when performing a year end close.

Roll Forward as Placeholder

Select to roll forward the document into the next year file as a placeholder. This option is not available for Manual Documents or Applications.


Select to flag the document as a deliverable.

  • Due Date: Enter the deliverable's due date.
  • Delivered Date: Enter the deliverable's delivered date.


Specify completion information for the document.

Option Description

Role Set

Select a role set to apply to the document from the drop-down menu.

Prepared by/Reviewed by

Select to populate your initials for the role, or manually enter the initials of the user that completed the role.

  • Date: Enter the completion date for the role. If you select the role to populate your own initials, the date is automatically set to the current system date.


Specify the headings to use in the document.

Option Description

Extended Description for CaseView

Enter an optional extended description for use when linking to alphanumeric cells in CaseView documents using the Linkage worksheet. The extended description does not display when the document is printed.


View and modify the issues assigned to the document.

Option Description

Select to clear the issue.


Displays the unique identifier for the issue. The default identifier is composed of the user's initials who reported the issue and an incremental number.


Displays the priority level of the issue (Low, Normal, or High).


Displays the issue's description.


Displays the issue type(s).

Assigned To

Displays the name of the user(s) assigned to the issue.

  • Everyone: All users that can access the file.
  • None: No users.
  • User group names: Users in the specified user group.
  • User name: The specified user.
  • Add new user: Create and assign a new user.

Filter the displayed issues using the drop-down menu.

  • All Issues: Display all issues for the current document.
  • My Outstanding Issues: Display all issues assigned to the current user.
  • All Outstanding Issues: Display all issues that have not been completed.
  • Uncleared Issues: Display all completed issues that have not yet been cleared.

Add a new issue to the document.


Edit the selected issue.


Delete the selected issue. An issue can only be deleted by the user who created it.


View and modify the history and milestones for the document.

Option Description

Displays an icon if the event generated a milestone.


Displays a history event. For more information, see Configure file history.


Displays the initials of the user who participated in the event.


Displays the date and time that the event occurred.

Details Click to view more details of the selected history event.
Compare Click to compare the selected milestone to the current version of the document.
View Milestone Click to view the selected milestone.
Delete Milestone Click to delete the selected milestone.


View and modify the template settings for the document.

Option Description
Document Identifier

Enter an identifier for the document. The document identifier can contain up to 22 alphanumeric characters.

The NUMTOTDID(docnum) and TDIDTONUM(id) functions also provide access to the Document Identifier.

Document Version

Enter the document version number. The template update system uses the document version number to determine if there are available updates for the document.

In Progress

Select to label the document as In Progress, then designate the effective duration of the label. In Progress documents are locked to the user who set the label, so they can modify content without creating conflicts.

Note: In Progress documents are excluded from the Document Library, Copy Components Wizard, and during the creation of new files based on a template. This prevents users from adding incomplete documents to their files.

Queries Author ID

Link the document to a Queries file by entering the Author IDs of the applicable query documents (separated by a comma or semicolon, no spaces). For more information on Author IDs, see Add Author IDs.


View and modify the synchronization information for the document.

Option Description
Document synchronization frequency

Select how often to synchronize document changes from the drop-down menu.

  • Default (Automatic)
  • Automatic
  • On Demand
  • Never
Synchronization Status

Displays the current synchronization status and whether there are any pending changes to the document.