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Engagement Properties

You can record pertinent client information in the Engagement Properties of a Working Papers file. Information in the Engagement Properties can link to cells in CaseView documents, including client ready financial statements and engagement letters. In Caseware Cloud, these Engagement Properties are stored in Cloud entities. By integrating a Working Papers file with the applicable entity, you can automatically populate the Engagement Properties of the file to save time and ensure that the information is consistent.

Name/Address tab

Specify general information about the client.

Option Description

Enter the client's name.

This field is not available if you have integrated Working Papers with Caseware Cloud.

Cloud Entity

Select a Cloud entity to integrate with the file. You can also create a new entity for the file by clicking the drop-down menu and selecting New. If you select an existing Cloud entity, any Engagement Properties in the entity will automatically populate the Working Papers file.

  • Automatically sync engagement properties with the Cloud entity: Select to synchronize the current Engagement Properties of the Working Papers file with the integrated Cloud entity. This will overwrite the entity's properties and push the changes to other files that are integrated with the entity.
  • Auto-publish after integrating: Publish the Working Papers file to Caseware Cloud in the integrated entity.

This field is only available if you have integrated Working Papers with Caseware Cloud.


Enter the name of the engagement.

Operating Name

Enter the client's operating name to display on all automatic documents.

Address, City, Prov/State, Postal/Zip Code, Country

Enter the client's business address, including city, province or state, postal or zip code, and country.

Phone # Enter the client's primary business phone number.
Fax # Enter the client's primary business fax number.

Home Page

Enter the URL of the client's home page. Click Go to open the page in the internal web browser.

Standard Industry Code (S.I.C.)

Enter the client's 10 digit Standard Industry Code.

Across Industry Code (A.I.C.)

Enter the client's 10 digit Across Industry Code.

Tax Jurisdiction

Select the tax jurisdiction for the client (e.g. Canada, USA). The tax jurisdiction controls the selection of tax packages for export and the tax codes that display in the Tax worksheet of the Trial Balance.

Tax Entity

Select the tax entity for the client. The tax entity controls the information that displays in the Tax worksheet when linking tax codes to the chart of accounts in the Trial Balance.

Note: If you select N/A, the tax code list will not be available in the Tax worksheet.

Engagement Type

Enter the type of engagement.

Client Number

Enter the client's number, assigned by your organization.

Employer Identification Number(E.I.N) / Business Number (BN)

Enter the E.I.N. or BN if applicable. The 15 character Business Number consists of a 9 digit registration number, a 2 letter program identifier, and 4 digit reference number. When you export data to GIFI, the Business Number is automatically exported in this format: 12345 678 XX1234.

Tax Vendor

Select the applicable tax software (Canada & USA only).

Contact 1 & 2 tabs

Specify the primary and secondary contact for the client company. Available properties include:

  • Title
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Designation
  • Position
  • Business Phone #
  • Business Fax #
  • Mobile Phone #
  • Home Phone #
  • Email Address

If the file is integrated with a Caseware Cloud entity, you can simply select a contact from the drop-down to automatically populate these fields.

Reporting Dates tab

Specify important dates for the client engagement. Data entered on the Reporting Dates tab displays in all automatic documents.

Option Description

Year End Date / Year Begin Date

Represents the fiscal year end and begin dates of the file. Click the drop-down to select a date from the popup calendar. Click View Dates to see the year end and year begin dates for up to 13 periods.

During a year end close, the year end date automatically advances by one year.

Reporting Period Date Sequences

Select the applicable period date sequence(s). If you use any period date sequence other than random, the period dates automatically calculate based on the year end date. If you select a random date sequence, you must enter the period dates manually by clicking Setup. Random dates can be used for irregular fiscal periods, if applicable.

If you select more than one reporting period date sequence, the method which balances are computed (either based on another period date sequence or independent) and the method of entry or calculation of period balances (found on the Period Balances tab) allow for different reporting options.

Balances can be independent or computed from another date sequence. When computing balances from another period date sequence all balances from the necessary periods of the selected period date sequence are totaled. Independent date sequences only include balances that are associated with that date sequence. Period date sequences without the option to compute from another date sequence are effectively independent.

Current Period Date Sequence

Select the default date sequence used by the file. Only the enabled Reporting Period Date Sequences are available.

Current Active Period

Enter the current period of the selected period date sequence.

Period Balances tab

Specify if you want to enter transactions or balances within the Working Papers file.

Option Description
Method of entry or calculation of period balances

Select a method to use for entry or calculation of period balances.

  • Allow entry of period balances in Working Trial Balance (Other Entries will be disabled): Users can input only period balances into the Working Papers file, not actual transaction level activity.
  • Allow transaction entry in Other Entries screen (period balances will be calculated): Users can enter actual transaction level changes into the Working Papers file.

Period Date Sequence for Other Entries Screen

Select a period type sequence. If you select a random date sequence, you must enter the period dates manually. Click Setup to enter the custom period dates.

Current Active Period for Other Entries Screen

Enter the current active period for other journal entries.

Display and enter period balances as year-to-date balances

Select to limit entries to year-to-date balances only. This option affects transactions, priors, budgets, and forecast drill downs in the Trial Balance. If you do not select this option, entries will be discrete period amounts only.

If you selected Allow transaction entry in Other Entries screen, the year-to-date and/or period balances displays on the main level of the Trial Balance. For period balances, the year-to-date and/or period balances display on drill downs only.