Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Engagements > Mapping and grouping > Assign accounts to map and group numbers

Assign accounts to map and group numbers

You can assign your accounts to map numbers, leadsheets, group numbers, tax codes, M3 codes (US) or GIFI codes (Canada) to fill out your chart of accounts.

Map numbers contain identical fields to account numbers and can be used to complete account properties when entering a client's chart of accounts in the Trial Balance.


  • (Optional) Set up flips in the mapping and grouping database.

To assign accounts to map numbers:

  1. On the ribbon, click Account | Assign Mappings. The Assign Mapping Numbers dialog displays.
  2. In the Unmapped Accounts list, select the account(s) you want to assign to a map number. You can use the dialog options to adjust which accounts are available to map.

    Option Description
    Entity In consolidated files, display unmapped accounts from the selected entity.
    Period Display unmapped accounts from the selected period.

    Display unmapped flip accounts.

    Flipped map/group numbers show calculated flip balances (as if they were being shown on an automatic document or from CaseView). This means the accounts assigned to a map/group number may not total up to the flip map/group number. All accounts assigned to a map/group number are displayed, even if it is does not contribute to the map/group number.

    Tag Display unmapped accounts with the selected tag.
    Search Number Search for unmapped accounts by number.
    Search Name Search for unmapped accounts by name.
  3. In the Mapping Numbers list, select the map number where you want to assign the accounts. If required, you can customize the columns of this list to display additional properties of each map number, such as budget and forecast balances.
  4. Click Map.

The accounts are assigned to the map number.

To assign accounts to group numbers:

  1. On the ribbon, click Account | Assign Groupings, then select the applicable leadsheet, group, or tax code.
  2. On the dialog, in the Unassigned Accounts list, select the account(s) you want to assign to a group number. You can use the dialog options to adjust which accounts are available to assign.

    Option Description
    Entity In consolidated files, display unassigned accounts from the selected entity.
    Period Display unassigned accounts from the selected period.

    Display unassigned flip accounts.

    Flipped map/group numbers show calculated flip balances (as if they were being shown on an automatic document or from CaseView). This means the accounts assigned to a map/group number may not total up to the flip map/group number. All accounts assigned to a map/group number are displayed, even if it is does not contribute to the map/group number.

    Tag Display unassigned accounts with the selected tag.
    Search Number Search for unassigned accounts by number.
    Search Name Search for unassigned accounts by name.
  3. In the Group Numbers list, select the group number where you want to assign the accounts. If required, you can customize the columns of this list to display additional properties of each group number, such as budget and forecast balances.
  4. Click Assign.

The accounts are assigned to the group number.


  • To unassign an account, select the account in the Mapping/Grouping Numbers list and click Unassign.
  • You can drag and drop accounts between map/group numbers without unassigning them first.