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Create group numbers

The Groupings database includes 10 custom groupings that you can use to group accounts together. By default, the first group is always the Leadsheet (L/S) which contains the leadsheet numbers used in the preparation of a working paper file.

You can create an unlimited number of leadsheet or group numbers in the Groupings database. We suggest that you complete the L/S grouping first, so that you can assign the leadsheet numbers to the applicable map numbers. When you later assign map numbers to the account numbers in the Trial Balance, the appropriate leadsheet numbers will automatically populate for each account number.

To create group numbers:

  1. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Grouping. The Grouping database displays.
  2. Select the applicable tab for your leadsheet or group number.
  3. Select a row where you want to create the new group number. On the ribbon, click Home | Insert Line. A new line is created.
  4. Select the new line and on the ribbon, click Home | Properties.
  5. Complete the group number properties as required. Click Close.

The group number is added to the Groupings database. When you've finished adding all your group numbers, you can begin assigning accounts to them.


  • To delete a group number, select it in the grouping database, then on the ribbon, click Home | Delete Line.
  • The leadsheet number descriptions entered in the name field display on the leadsheet document.
  • You can rename the groupings in Tools | Options | Groupings.

Create calculated group numbers

Calculated group numbers can include multiple group numbers, a range of group numbers, or group numbers meeting specific numbering criteria. You can only use calculated group numbers in CaseView reports and Balance Sheet or Income Statement automatic documents, and you cannot assign accounts to calculated group numbers.

  • To calculate the value of multiple group numbers, separate each number with a comma (,). For example: 10, 15, 20.
  • To calculate the value of a range of group numbers, separate the first and last number with two periods (..). For example: 10..20.
  • To calculate the value of group numbers beginning with certain numbers, use a wildcard (*). For example: 115* would return the values of numbers 115, 115A, 115B, etc.


  • To display calculated group numbers in your automatic documents, on the ribbon, click Tools | Options | Documents and select Calculated map/group numbers.

To create calculated group numbers:

  1. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Grouping. The Grouping database displays.
  2. Select a row where you want to create the new group number.
  3. On the ribbon, click Home | Insert Line. A new line is created .
  4. Select the new line and on the ribbon, click Home | Properties.
  5. In the Behavior drop-down menu, select Calculated.
  6. In the Calculation field, enter the group numbers to calculate, separated by commas, ranges, and/or wild cards.
  7. Complete the remaining group number properties as required. Click Close.

The calculated group number is added to the Grouping database. You can display the breakdown of calculated group numbers in Leadsheet/Grouping automatic documents by selecting Show Calculated Map/Group Breakdown in the automatic document's properties.