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Check for Update Summary

At the completion of the Check for Updates process, you can display a summary document of automatic changes made to the document. Information is generated on the changes made, including:

  • New required procedures inserted - procedures that your firm has set as required are always inserted.

  • Existing procedures that became required - procedures that your firm has now set as required.

  • New procedures inserted - new procedures added by your firm.

  • Procedures saved as an engagement - procedures that have been changed by the firm but were previously in the engagement file. The procedure has been retained in the engagement and the new procedure has been added. Review the differences between the two procedures, as it is likely that the engagement will only need one of these procedures.

  • Procedures removed - procedures removed by your firm as no longer relevant.

  • Procedures signed off and not updated - any procedure that is signed off at the engagement level is not updated. If you wish to update a completed procedure, the sign off must be removed and the update process applied again.

  • Miscellaneous updates - information that does not fit in the above categories, such as Document Guidance when it is updated automatically.

To view the summary of automatic changes, from the Document menu, select View Check for Updates Summary. The check for updates summary will appear in your web browser.