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Completing Work Program Procedures

  1. From the Document Manager, open the work program you wish to edit.

  2. Place your cursor in the row of the procedure or sub procedure to be completed.

  3. In the Results column, from the drop-down menu, select the result. Note that some results will require you to provide an explanation prior to being able to sign off the procedure.

  4. If your firm has elected, you will be able to complete responses for a number of areas at one time. If you see , your firm allows you to complete the Response for all procedures below it. Note that your firm may restrict this to certain response types. Right click on the drop down to select the appropriate response.

  5. Your firm may also have chosen that when a certain explanation type is completed that an issue must also be created. indicates an issue must be completed for the procedure.

  6. Click , and provide a name for the new issue.  

  7. indicates that there is an issue associated with the procedure. Note that all issues are transferred to the Partner/Manager Summary Report.

  8. To indicate an issue select View from the CaseView menu, then Highlight Issues and select the issue type from the list. To remove a highlighted issue select View then Highlight Issues and uncheck the selected issue type.

  9. In the By column, mark the check box and your user initials will be inserted and the current date will be completed.


  • If a procedure has been signed off, the sign off check box must be unchecked prior to editing any results.