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Import Procedure Dialog

The Import Procedure dialog enables users to import their procedures from another document, replicating the same set of basic procedures across multiple documents.


  • Before attempting to import procedures from another document, ensure that the document is not open. Trying to import procedures from a document that is open can lead to errors.
  • If the client file is locked, a dialog will appear prompting to unlock the file before proceeding with the import.
Source Description


This drop-down lists the available master templates that are currently registered. Select from the drop-down to import procedures from another document in the master templates.

Other Source Files

To import procedures from a file that is not a registered template, such as a client file, click Browse to locate the file from which to import the procedures.

Once the import source is selected, this area shows the document manager from the selected template / source files. The default is set to the current file. Click Refresh to refresh the listing as necessary. Select the document from which you want to import procedures and click OK.The Import Procedures dialog will appear, listing all the available procedures that can be imported from the selected document. Select the necessary procedures and click OK to import them.

When the process is completed, the procedures will be imported as editable. Make the necessary changes to the procedures and save the document.


  • If a selected document does not contain any procedures, or does not contain procedures that you support, a message window will appear to confirm that no procedures have been found to import.

  • If a different document type is selected (for example, a checklist document is selected while working in a work program), a confirmation dialog will appear to confirm whether procedures should be imported from a different document type.