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Checking for Updates within a Work Program or Checklist

As an alternative to the automatic updating of procedures in engagement files, you can use Check for Updates to update procedures in your work program and checklist documents. Depending on the settings set by your firm, performing a Check for Updates will either update procedures automatically or will require you to manually update procedures. In either case, after procedures have been updated, you must turn off the Check for Updates state to continue using the document for your engagement.

  1. Open the work program or checklist.

  2. From the menu under Document, select Check for Updates.

  3. Procedures set by your firm as "required" will always be updated and added to your document automatically during this process. Other procedures are updated depending on the preferences your firm has selected. Messages appear throughout the update process advising you of the options.

  4. A message at the top of the dialog informs you there may be new procedures in the library. This option can also be accessed from the menu Procedures | Insert Procedures from Content Library.

  1. Review the content in the library on a regular basis to ensure that all optional procedures are considered. Once you have reviewed the library content and selected any procedures to add to your work program, click OK.

  2. The work program or checklist opens with the status of each procedure. Details are displayed showing the version number of each procedure and the status of whether it is "Up-to-date" or "Out-of-date".

  3. If the procedures are up-to date, no further work is required. Return to the top menu, select Document, and clear Check for Updates.

  4. If the procedure is up-to date but has been customized an asterisk is added to the status to show as “Up-to date *”. Click . Compare the content in your current program to the updated version. To update the content and remove the customizations, click beside the procedure you want to update 

  5. If the procedure indicates it is out-of-date, click . Compare the content in your current program to the updated version. To update the content, click beside the procedure you want to update.

  6. When the procedure has been removed from the master content library, you may want to remove the procedure in your client file. To remove the procedure click .

  7. At the completion of the review process, a summary document can be displayed, advising of all the changes made to procedures.

  8. After all procedures are reviewed, return to the top menu, select Document and clear Check for Updates.