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History Database File Size

For optimal performance in Working Papers, be conscious of the size of your client file, especially the history database file. You should proceed to delete history and milestone events to reduce the size of the file and to reduce the amount of disk space used.

File name Contains
HI.DBF History
HI.FPT Milestones

The History database file (HI.DBF) contains history records. Generally, this file should not become very large, but its database file (HI.FPT) might. This database file contains the milestones of your client file.


Milestones capture a "picture" of a document at a point in time. The size of a milestone will largely depends on:

  • Document type,
  • Document content, and
  • Compressibility of the document.

    Note: PDF documents and graphic intensive documents tend to not compress well. These documents will create milestones of similar size to the original document.

The creation of milestones can be performed manually anytime or automatically through the history settings within each client file (Engagement | History | Settings). The history settings can be largely attributed to how large the history database files become, as quite often they are set to create milestones for every event.

Run a Cleanup to delete the history and milestone events in your client file if your database files gets to be fairly large.

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