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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > Accounting and Assurance > Automatic Documents > Automatic Document Formats and Settings
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Automatic Document Formats and Settings

Most automatic documents have multiple formats and settings that define the appearance and data that displays in the automatic document. See below for a complete list of formats and settings available in automatic documents.

  • For consolidated files, subtotals by entity are only shown in detail formats only.
  • For formats with subtotals by monthly, if the subtotals in a specific month is zero, Working Papers will not show the subtotal and continue to the next month.

Select an automatic document type to jump to that section:

Account Analysis

Format Description
Account and date order Displays accounts in account and date order.
Account and date order with subtotals

Displays accounts in account and date order and provides monthly subtotals.

Map number and date order Displays accounts in map and date order.
Map number and date order with subtotals

Displays accounts in map and date order and provides monthly subtotals.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

From Account/To Account or From/To Map

Specify a range to restrict the number of map numbers or accounts to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting map or account number in the From Account box and an ending map or account number in the To Account box. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the document. If you are using the mapping database (formats: Map no and date order or Map no and date order with subtotals), you can restrict the number of map numbers to be included in the document by specifying a range.

Note: If a map number does not appear in the list, look it up in the Engagement | Mapping and check the Behavior column. Map numbers set to "Filtered" are not available in the From/To Map fields.

From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date box and an ending date in the To Date box. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account box. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date box.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date fields default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

From Amount/To Amount

Specify a range to restrict the number of balances to be included in the document by specifying a range of amounts. If applicable, enter minimum and maximum amounts for the account analysis.

To view all transactions greater than or equal to 1000.00, enter this amount in the From Amount box. To view all transactions less than or equal to 5000.00, enter this amount in the To Amount box. Any account or entry with a balance outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts, or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any records that do not meet the filter condition will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.


Account Reconciliation

Format Description
Clear items for reconciliation Lists all transactions of the account specified for the user to clear. Specify the account whose transactions you want to clear in the Account No. box.
Outstanding - debits and credits Lists all the outstanding debit and credit transactions for the account specified in the Account No. box.
Outstanding - debits only Lists all the outstanding debit transactions for the account specified in the Account No. box.
Outstanding - credits only Lists all the outstanding credit transactions for the account specified in the Account No. box.
Reconciliation document - auto Use this format if you have entered all the detailed transactions in the general ledger. Detail for items not recorded in the ledger but included in the statement can be added to this account reconciliation document. The completion of this document requires the creation of the above documents.

Reconciliation document - manual

Use this format when detailed transactions have not been entered in Working Papers. The entire reconciliation, including outstanding debits and credits, will have to be entered manually.


Setting Description
Account No.

Type or select the account number you want to reconcile.

Note: Only Reconciliation document - manual format can be created without selecting an account number. Balance per Ledger box is not completed on the reconciliation document. The Balance per Ledger box displays the ending balance of the current active period as specified in Engagement Properties.

From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date field and an ending date in the To Date field. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account field. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date field.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date fields default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

Analytical Review

Format Description
Ratio analysis Listing of ratios that are automatically calculated. Annotation is permitted in the amount column only.
Variance by account Listing of all accounts in the order you select with the amount and percentage change calculated between the balances specified in the Balances box.
Variance by account with group subtotals Presents accounts by group number with group number subtotals. The amount and percentage change is also calculated between the balances specified in the Balances box. Threshold criteria are applied to the individual accounts assigned to the group number.
Variance by group with group subtotals Presents accounts by group number with group number subtotals. The amount and percentage change is also calculated between the balances specified in the Balances box. Threshold criteria are applied to the group number subtotal.
Variance by group summary Presents grouping balances in the grouping order you select with the amount and percentage change calculated between the balances selected in the Balances box. Double-click an item to view the accounts assigned to the group or map number.


Analytical Review - Ratio document settings

Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.
Balance Type

Select a balance type to define which balance to include in the Analytical Review document:

  • Unadjusted - client balance without adjusting entries.
  • Adjusted - client balance plus normal adjusting entries.
  • Report - client balance plus adjusting entries plus reclassifying entries.
  • Note: The user can choose "report" balance instead of "consolidated" for the subsidiary companies in a consolidated file if they do not want to include eliminating entries in reports for those entities.

  • Consolidated - report plus eliminating entries.
  • Tax Federal – consolidated plus federal adjusting entries.
  • Tax State – consolidated plus state adjusting entries.
  • Tax City – consolidated plus city adjusting entries.
Foreign Exchange Select to view balances in a foreign currency. For more information on setting up foreign exchange, see Foreign Exchange.
Period Balances

Select to display balances for accounts as follows:

  • Balance sheet accounts display as year-to-date.
  • Income statement accounts display for the period specified.
  • Retained earnings accounts, as specified in the Settings for Report dialog (accessed by clicking the Settings button from the Working Trial Balance), will adjust for the net income of all previous periods.

Note: Income statement accounts' opening balances may not display if this option is selected.


Analytical Review - Variance document settings

Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select from the following balances types to display specific balance columns in the document: 

  • Active/Prior - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Prior Year balances.
  • Active/Preceding - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Preceding period balances.
  • Active/Budget - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Budget Year balances.
  • Active/Forecast - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Eliminating, Final and Forecast balances.
  • Five Year - Includes Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 balances.
  • Five Year Budget - Includes Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 budget numbers.
  • Five Year Forecast - Includes are Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 forecast numbers.
  • User Defined - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final balances and balances selected from the Balance Source Dialog. >>How Do I?

Select the following account type entries to display in the document. Depending on the format the following options may be available:

  • All Accounts
  • Financial
  • Cash Flow
  • Performance
  • Various groupings
  • Review
  • Mapping
  • Tax Export code
Balance Type

Select a balance type to define which balance to include in the Analytical Review document:

  • Unadjusted - client balance without adjusting entries.
  • Adjusted - client balance plus normal adjusting entries.
  • Report - client balance plus adjusting entries plus reclassifying entries.
  • Note: The user can choose "report" balance instead of "consolidated" for the subsidiary companies in a consolidated file if they do not want to include eliminating entries in reports for those entities.

  • Consolidated - report plus eliminating entries.
  • Tax Federal – consolidated plus federal adjusting entries.
  • Tax State – consolidated plus state adjusting entries.
  • Tax City – consolidated plus city adjusting entries.

Select to order the document as follows:

  • Account
  • Report
  • L/S
  • Group 2 through 10
  • Map No.
  • Tax Export code
  • M3 Code

Select to group the document as follows:

  • Account
  • Report
  • L/S
  • Group 2 through 10
  • Map No.
  • Tax Export code
  • M3 Code

This property is not available for the Detailed entries with totals format.


Select to apply a structure to the current document. See Applying Structures to Automatic Documents for more information.

From/To Account or From/To Group

Select to restrict the number map numbers or accounts to be included in the document by specifying a range. This option applies only to the formats Account balances with totals or Detailed entries with totals as these formats display the details for the map or account numbers on the document.

If applicable, enter a starting map or account number in the From Account box and an ending map or account number in the To Account box. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report. The excluded map or accounts are hidden and may be returned to the report at any time by clearing the box(es) or entering different map or account numbers.

You can restrict the number of groups to be included in the document by specifying a range. This option applies only to the formats Account balances with group subtotals and Group summary as these Formats display the actual group numbers on the document. If applicable, enter a starting group number in the From Group box and an ending group number in the To Group box. Any groups with numbers outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report. The excluded groups are hidden and may be returned to the report at any time by clearing the box(es) or entering different group numbers.

Threshold Amount

Type a threshold amount to set a limit, based on the amount change, on which accounts to display in the document. The difference between the current and the period balances for each account or group number is represented by the amount change and is displayed in the amount change column. For example, to view only account amounts that have changed more than $5000, enter 5000 as the threshold amount. This threshold will be applied to each document to which you want the criteria applied.

Note: If the threshold amount is set to zero, Working Papers will use the defaults set in the threshold default dialog.

Threshold Percentage (%)

Type a threshold amount to set a limit, based on the percentage change, on which accounts to display in the document. The difference between the current and the prior balances for each account or group number is represented by the percentage change and is displayed in the percentage change column. For example, to view only account amounts that have changed more than 5%, enter 5 as the threshold %. This threshold will be applied to each document to which you want the criteria applied.

Note: If the threshold percentage is set to zero, Working Papers will use the defaults set in the threshold default dialog.

And/Or Select And to display accounts or group numbers only if both the amount change and the percentage change values exceed the threshold criteria specified. Select Or when to display accounts or group numbers if either the amount change or the percentage change values exceed the threshold criteria specified.
Defaults See Threshold default dialog for more information.
Foreign Exchange Select to view balances in a foreign currency. For more information on setting up foreign exchange, see Foreign Exchange.
Auto Arrange

Select to present group or map numbers in numerical order. When using the Order or Grouping property to present custom group numbers (L/S, Groups 2 through 10) or map numbers on a leadsheet or grouping schedule document, you can determine the order of the group numbers or map numbers on the document.

To present group numbers in the order specified in the Setup Groupings browse, clear the Auto Arrange check box. To present map numbers in the order specified in the Mapping browse, clear the Auto Arrange check box. This property is only applicable to the formats Account balances with group subtotals and Group summary as these formats detail the actual group numbers or map numbers on the document.

Show Splitups Select to display any associated split-up accounts in the analytical review document.
Include Other Basis Adjustments Select to view other basis adjustment entries.

Chart of Accounts

Format Description
Alphabetical order Order the Chart of Accounts alphabetically by account name.
Numerical order Order the Chart of Accounts numerically by Account No.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

From Account/To Account or From/To Map

Specify a range to restrict the number of map numbers or accounts to be included in the document.

Enter a starting map or account number in the From Account box and an ending map or account number in the To Account box. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the document.

Note: If a map number does not appear in the list, look it up in the Engagement | Mapping and check the Behavior column. Map numbers set to "Filtered" are not available in the From/To Map fields.

From Amount/To Amount

Specify a range to restrict the number of balances to be included in the document by specifying a range of amounts. If applicable, enter minimum and maximum amounts for the account analysis.

To view all transactions greater than or equal to 1000.00, enter this amount in the From Amount field. To view all transactions less than or equal to 5000.00, enter this amount in the To Amount field. Any account or entry with a balance outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Chart of Mapping Numbers

Format Description
Alphabetical order Order the Chart of mapping numbers by account name.
Numerical order Order the Chart of mapping numbers by Account No.
Report order Order the Chart of mapping numbers based on the Report tab in Engagement | Mapping.


Setting Description
From Map/To Map

Specify a range to restrict the number of map numbers to be included in the document.

Enter a starting map number in the From Map box and an ending map or account number in the To Map box. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the document.

Note: If a map number does not appear in the list, look it up in the Engagement | Mapping and check the Behavior column. Map numbers set to "Filtered" are not available in the From/To Map fields.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.


Format Description
Normal Displays a list of all entities in the consolidation tree.
Details Displays a list of all entities in the consolidation tree and the properties established for each of the entities.


Setting Description
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.


Format Description

Mapping structure

Ensures that the properties of map numbers in the Mapping database correspond to the properties of accounts in the client's chart of accounts.


Prepares warning, critical, and error type diagnostics on the preparation of working papers in the client file.

Out of balance

Indicates which journal entries are out of balance.

Account structure/balances

Prepares warning, critical, and error type diagnostics on the setup of accounts, groupings, map numbers, ratios, and account referencing.

Role completion

Lists all documents missing initials or dates in the Role options of the document properties.

Tax structure

Lists all documents that have errors concerning tax linkage codes or balances for export to tax applications.


Document Index

Setting Description
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Document Manager

Format Description
Role completion only All documents will be listed but only details about role completion will be detailed.
Role completion with document properties All documents in the Document Manager will be listed with details about their properties as well as their role completion data.


Setting Description
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Financial Statements - Balance Sheet

Format Description
Active period/year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period (e.g. as at quarter 3) for the current year.
Active period/ytd with A/C # printed Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year, with account numbers.
Active period/budget period Displays the period balances of the active period (i.e. quarter 3 only, excludes opening balances and quarters 1 and 2 transactions) for the current year and current budget year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Active period/prior period Displays the period balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Active/prior period with year to date Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage. The Actual (Current Period) column will show the combined total of transactions and adjustments shown in the Working Trial Balance, excluding Opening Balance.
Active/budget/prior period with year to date Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year, current budget year, and prior year, with percentage variances.
Active/budget period with year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and current budget year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Draft active/prior year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Five year history Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current and preceding four years, with percentage variances.
Active year to date/prior year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select to order the financial statement document depending on the report layout source (Trial Balance or Mapping) by:

  • Account
  • Map number

Select to apply rounding to the numbers displayed in the document. Options are none, ones (i.e. no decimals), thousands, or millions. When rounding, numbers are divided by the selected factor and then rounded to the closest integer. For example, the number 5662, when rounded by thousands, would be calculated as 5.662 and rounded to 6.

For documents with subtotals, rounding is applied to the individual lines, not to the subtotal. Rounding differences for the draft Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flow will be made to the rounding accounts as set in the Report Settings.

Balance Select to include a custom balance in the report. Custom balances are configured under Tools | Options | Lists | Custom Balances.
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Foreign Exchange Select to view balances in a foreign currency. For more information on setting up foreign exchange, see Foreign Exchange.

Financial Statements - Income Statement

Format Description
Active period/year to date Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year (e.g. for the quarter ended quarter 3 and three quarters ended quarter 3).
Active period/ytd with A/C # printed Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year, with account numbers.
Active year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year.
Active period/budget period Displays the period balances of the active period for the current year and current budget year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Active period/prior period Displays the period balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Active/prior period with year to date Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Active/budget/prior period with year to date Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year, current budget year, and prior year, with percentage variances.
Active/budget period with year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and current budget year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Draft active/prior year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Five year history Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current and preceding four years, with percentage variances.
Active year to date/prior year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select to order the financial statement document depending on the report layout source (Trial Balance or Mapping) by:

  • Account
  • Map number

Select to apply rounding to the numbers displayed in the document. Options are none, ones (i.e. no decimals), thousands, or millions. When rounding, numbers are divided by the selected factor and then rounded to the closest integer. For example, the number 5662, when rounded by thousands, would be calculated as 5.662 and rounded to 6.

For documents with subtotals, rounding is applied to the individual lines, not to the subtotal. Rounding differences for the draft Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flow will be made to the rounding accounts as set in the Report Settings.

Balance Select to include a custom balance in the report. Custom balances are configured under Tools | Options | Lists | Custom Balances.
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Foreign Exchange Select to view balances in a foreign currency. For more information on setting up foreign exchange, see Foreign Exchange.


Financial Statements - Statement of Cash Flow

For typical statement of cash flow reporting, use the Draft active/prior year to date format.

Format Description
Active period/year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year (e.g. for the 3 quarters ended, quarter 3). *
Active period/ytd with A/C # printed Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year with account numbers. *
Active period/budget period Displays the period balances (e.g. for the quarter ended, quarter 3) of the active period for the current year and current budget year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Active period/prior period Displays the period balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage.
Active/prior period with year to date Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage. *
Active/budget/prior period with year to date Displays both the period balances and year to date balances of the active period for the current year, current budget year, and prior year, with percentage variances. *
Active/budget period with year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and current budget year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage. *
Draft active/prior year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage. *
Five year history Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current and preceding four years, with percentage variances.*
Active year to date/prior year to date Displays the year to date balances of the active period for the current year and prior year, with variances calculated by amount and percentage. *
  • If the report uses balances calculated from the CS and DS columns, then the year to date balances for this format only work when the period date sequence is set to "Yearly" and the order is set to "Account".


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select to order the financial statement document depending on the report layout source (Trial Balance or Mapping) by:

  • Account
  • Map number

Select to apply rounding to the numbers displayed in the document. Options are none, ones (i.e. no decimals), thousands, or millions. When rounding, numbers are divided by the selected factor and then rounded to the closest integer. For example, the number 5662, when rounded by thousands, would be calculated as 5.662 and rounded to 6.

For documents with subtotals, rounding is applied to the individual lines, not to the subtotal. Rounding differences for the draft Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flow will be made to the rounding accounts as set in the Report Settings.

Balance Select to include a custom balance in the report. Custom balances are configured under Tools | Options | Lists | Custom Balances.
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Foreign Exchange Select to view balances in a foreign currency. For more information on setting up foreign exchange, see Foreign Exchange.

General Ledger

Format Description
Account and date order Displays the general ledger in account number order, with all activity for an account presented in date order.
Account and date order with subtotals Displays the general ledger in account number order, with all activity for an account presented in date order with subtotals of each date.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select the following account type entries to display in the document. Depending on the format the following options may be available:

  • All Accounts
  • Financial
  • Cash Flow
  • Performance
  • Various groupings
  • Review
  • Mapping
  • Tax Export Codes
From/To Account

Specify a range to restrict the number of accounts to be included in the document.

Type a starting account number in the From Account field and an ending account number in the To Account field. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the document.

From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date field and an ending date in the To Date field. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account field. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date field.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date fields default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

From Amount/To Amount

Specify a range to restrict the number of balances to be included in the document by specifying a range of amounts. If applicable, enter minimum and maximum amounts for the account analysis.

To view all transactions greater than or equal to 1000.00, enter this amount in the From Amount field. To view all transactions less than or equal to 5000.00, enter this amount in the To Amount field. Any account or entry with a balance outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the document.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Show Tax Column Select to have the automatic document include a column for the tax amount (if applicable).


Each of the formats corresponds to a history setting. For more information, see History Settings. Select All History Events to display every event that has occurred in the client file during the selected time period or select Post Lockdown Events to displays every event requiring an explanation that has occurred in the client file after lockdown. For example, events such as document creation, document deletion, changing of the document properties, file unlocking, and undoing a lockdown are events that require an explanation.


Setting Description
From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date field and an ending date in the To Date field. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account field. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date field.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date field default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.


Format Description

Created By

Listing of issues based on the user who created them.

Assigned to

Listing of issues based on the user to whom they have been assigned.

Completed by Listing of issues based on the user who completed them.
Cleared by Listing of issues based on the user who cleared them.


Setting Description

Select to order the issues document by:

  • Assigned to - The user assigned to the issue.
  • Created by - The user who created the issue.
  • Created on - The date the issue was created.
  • Due on - The due date for resolution of the issue.
  • Status - The status of the issue.
  • Subject - The subject of the issue.
  • Document - The document associated with the issue.
  • Completed by - The user who completed the issue.
  • Cleared by - The user who cleared the issue.
  • Number - The issue number.
From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date field and an ending date in the To Date field. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account field. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date field.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date field default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Created by, Assigned To, Completed By, or Cleared By Select All to display issues created by all users or select a specified user to display only issues created by that user.
Issue Types

Select from the following issue types to display:

  • All
  • None
  • Client issue
  • Considerations for next year
  • Engagement issues

Journals - Adjusting Journal Entries

Format Description

Normal adjusting

Displays only normal adjusting entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Normal adjusting entries update all relevant Automatic documents on the Document Manager such as journals, ledgers, trial balance, financial statements, and leadsheets. When updating from one period to another including a year-end close, these entries are transferred from the adjustment column to the opening or preliminary balance column on the trial balance and leadsheet documents.


Displays only reclassifying journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Reclassifying entries are not recorded in the normal accounting records. However, they are recorded in all financial statements and working papers such as leadsheet documents. When made in any period other than the last period of the fiscal year, reclassifying entries are excluded from the accounting records. In this case, the entries to non-consolidated balances do not have to be reversed. Reclassifying entries made in the last period of the fiscal year do get included in the next year's opening balances when either of the following choices is made during a year end close: Update next year's opening balance with consolidated or report. Those reclassifying entries do then have to be reversed.

Unrecorded - factual

Displays only unrecorded - factual journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Unrecorded - factual represent factual misstatements that will not be recorded because of materiality or proposed entries that may be subsequently changed to a normal status.

Unrecorded - projected

Displays only unrecorded - projected journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Unrecorded - projected represent projected misstatements that are unrecorded based on the auditor’s best estimates of misstatements in populations; usually derived from sampling.

Unrecorded - judgmental

Displays only unrecorded - judgmental journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Unrecorded - judgmental represent judgmental misstatements that are unrecorded based on differences arising from the judgments of management concerning accounting estimates, or the selection or application of accounting policies that the auditor considers inappropriate or unreasonable.


Displays only eliminating entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Eliminating entries are used to prepare combinations or consolidations of divisions or companies.

Note: Eliminating entries in a consolidated file made to a subsidiary entity with a fractional contribution are treated at 100% (the fractional contribution does not apply to eliminating entries).

All entries Displays all adjusting journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Tax - federal

Displays only tax - federal adjusting journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Federal tax entries adjust the federal tax balance. They are not recorded in the normal accounting records.

Note: Any "Permanent" or "Temporary" adjusting entry will be displayed in the "Difference" column of the report.

Tax - state

Displays only tax - state adjusting journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

State tax entries adjust the state tax balance. They are not recorded in the normal accounting records.

Tax - city

Displays only tax - city adjusting journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

City tax entries adjust the city tax balance. They are not recorded in the normal accounting records.

Other basis

Displays only other basis adjustment entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Prior period

Displays only prior period adjusting journal entries in the adjusting journal entry report.

Prior entries are used to post prior period entries and provide a proper audit trail of such adjustments. Only the year to date and NOT the active period financial statement is affected. If the active period is changed (at a later date) in the Engagement Properties so that the new active period date now includes the prior period date, the status of these entries changes to Normal. Prior means prior period, not prior year.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select the following account type entries to display in the document. Depending on the format the following options may be available:

  • All Accounts
  • Financial
  • Cash Flow
  • Performance
  • Various groupings
  • Review
  • Mapping
  • Tax Export Codes

Select to display entries in the report that have an applicable misstatement.

Note: This option is only available when the adjusting entry type is set to Normal adjusting, Reclassifying, Eliminating, Tax, or Other basis.

Available misstatement types include:

  • Factual - Misstatements where there is no doubt and where supporting documentation is available.
  • Projected - The auditor's best estimate of misstatements in populations; usually derived from sampling.
  • Judgmental - Differences arising from the judgments of management concerning accounting entries.

Select to display the adjusting journal entries by the order selected. Available options include:

  • Account Number
  • As Entered
  • Debit/Credit

Select to display entries that have an applicable balance set. Types of balances that can be displayed are:

  • N/A
  • Budget
  • Forecast
From/To Reference Specify a reference number range to restrict the number of items to be included in the adjusting journal entry document. Enter a starting reference in the From Reference box and an ending reference in the To Reference box. Any reference number outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.
From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date field and an ending date in the To Date field. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account field. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date field.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date fields default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

From/To Amount Specify a range of amounts to restrict the number of balances to be included in the document. If applicable, enter minimum and maximum amounts for the account analysis. For example, to view all transactions greater than or equal to 1000.00, enter this amount in the From Amount field. To view all transactions less than or equal to 5000.00, enter this amount in the To Amount field. Any account or entry with a balance outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts, or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

Combine Adjustments into One Column Select to present adjusting and reclassifying journal entries in one column entitled "Adjustments" instead of in two separate columns. This option works with report and consolidated balances but is unavailable if you are using the trial balance automatic document format Detailed Entries with Totals.
Show Amount Change Select to display the amount change and percentage change column.

Journals - Opening Entries

Setting Description
From/To Account

Specify a range to restrict the number of accounts to be included in the document.

If applicable, type a starting account number in the From Account field and an ending account number in the To Account field. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the document.

From/To Amount Specify a range of amounts to restrict the number of balances to be included in the document. If applicable, enter minimum and maximum amounts for the account analysis. For example, to view all transactions greater than or equal to 1000.00, enter this amount in the From Amount field. To view all transactions less than or equal to 5000.00, enter this amount in the To Amount field. Any account or entry with a balance outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts, or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.


Settings for the following journal document types:

  • Journals - All other entries
  • Journals - Accounts payable journal
  • Journals - Cash disbursements journal
  • Journals - Cash receipts journals
  • Journals - General journal
  • Journals - Payroll journal
  • Journals - Purchase ledger
  • Journals - Standard entries
  • Journals - Sales journal
  • Journals - Tax reporting
Setting Description

Select to display to other journal entries by the order selected. Available options include:

  • Reference Number
  • Date
  • Description
  • Account Number
From/To Account

Specify a range to restrict the number of accounts to be included in the document.

If applicable, type a starting account number in the From Account field and an ending account number in the To Account field. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the document.

From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date field and an ending date in the To Date field. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account field. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date field.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date fields default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

From/To Amount Specify a range of amounts to restrict the number of balances to be included in the document. If applicable, enter minimum and maximum amounts for the account analysis. For example, to view all transactions greater than or equal to 1000.00, enter this amount in the From Amount field. To view all transactions less than or equal to 5000.00, enter this amount in the To Amount field. Any account or entry with a balance outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts, or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.



Format Description
Account balances with totals Lists all accounts in the Working Trial Balance assigned to the specified group number. A grouping total is provided. You can add annotations and commentary to documents with this format.
Account balances with group subtotals Summarizes each of the groupings and assigned accounts in one document. Use the Group No. to specify which group numbers and accounts you want to display. You can add annotations and commentary to documents with this format.
Group summary Presents each grouping with a balance and a total. You can add annotations and commentary to documents with this format.
Detailed entries with totals Lists detailed adjusting entries for each account assigned to the group number specified in the Group No. box. This Format can be used to support any account on a leadsheet. This format cannot be annotated, but document level commentary can be added.
Group hierarchy with subtotals Subtotals each group and lists associated accounts in one document. Use the Group number or group number to and from to specify the range of accounts to include. You can add annotations and commentary to documents with this format.
Group hierarchy summary Summarizes each of the groupings in one document (with no account detail). Use the group number or group number to and from to specify the range of accounts to include. You can add annotations and commentary to documents with this format.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select from the following balances types to display specific balance columns in the document: 

  • Active/Prior - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Prior Year balances.
  • Active/Preceding - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Preceding period balances.
  • Active/Budget - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Budget Year balances.
  • Active/Forecast - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Eliminating, Final and Forecast balances.
  • Five Year - Includes Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 balances.
  • Five Year Budget - Includes Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 budget numbers.
  • Five Year Forecast - Includes Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 forecast numbers.
  • User Defined - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, and Final balances, and also includes balances selected from the Balance Source Dialog. >>How Do I?
Balance Type

Select a balance type to define which balance to include in the Analytical Review document:

  • Unadjusted - client balance without adjusting entries.
  • Adjusted - client balance plus normal adjusting entries.
  • Report - client balance plus adjusting entries plus reclassifying entries.
  • Note: The user can choose "report" balance instead of "consolidated" for the subsidiary companies in a consolidated file if they do not want to include eliminating entries in reports for those entities.

  • Consolidated - report plus eliminating entries.
  • Tax Federal – consolidated plus federal adjusting entries.
  • Tax State – consolidated plus state adjusting entries.
  • Tax City – consolidated plus city adjusting entries.

Documents with formats of Account balances with totals and Account balances with group subtotals can be presented in the following orders:

  • Account
  • Mapping
  • Report
Rounding Select to apply rounding to the numbers displayed in the document. Options are none, ones (i.e. no decimals), thousands, or millions. When rounding, numbers are divided by the selected factor and then rounded to the closest integer. For example, the number 5662, when rounded by thousands, would be calculated as 5.662 and rounded to 6. For documents with subtotals, rounding is applied to the individual lines, not to the subtotal. Rounding differences for the draft Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flow will be made to the rounding accounts as set in the Settings for Reports.

Select to group the document as follows:

  • Account
  • Report
  • L/S
  • Group 2 through 10
  • Map No.
  • Tax Export code
  • M3 Code
Group No. Select a group number to correspond with the grouping type.
Structure Select the structure that will be applied to the current document. Each structure definition can be found by accessing the Engagement menu and selecting Structures.
From/To Group

Specify a range to restrict the number of groups to be included in the trial balance. This option applies to the following document formats:

  • Accounts balance with group subtotals
  • Group summary
  • Group heirarchy with subtotals
  • Group heirarchy summary

When applicable, enter a starting group number in the From Group field and an ending group number in the To Group field. Any group with numbers outside the range will not be displayed in the document.

From Account/To Account

Specify a range to restrict the number of map numbers or accounts to be included in the leadsheet. This option applies only to the formats Account balances with totals or Detailed entries with totals as these formats display the details for the map or account numbers on the document.

If applicable, enter a starting map or account number in the From Account box and an ending map or account number in the To Account box. Any map numbers or accounts outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report. The excluded map or accounts are hidden and may be returned to the report at any time by clearing the box(es) or entering different map or account numbers.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts, or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

For more information, see dBase Filter.

Foreign Exchange Select to view balances in a foreign currency. For more information on setting up foreign exchange, see Foreign Exchange.
Consolidated View

Select to view several entities at once. The view itemizes balances per entity as well as eliminating adjustments, consolidated balance, and prior year figures.

Note: Up to 49 entities can be displayed in the report in consolidated view.

Period Balances

Select to display balances for accounts as follows:

  • Balance sheet accounts display as year-to-date.
  • Income statement accounts display for the period specified.
  • Retained earnings accounts, as specified in the Settings for Report dialog (accessed by clicking the Settings button from the Working Trial Balance), will adjust for the net income of all previous periods.

See Year End Close or Settings for Reports for further details on setting a year-end rollover account.

Note: Income statement accounts' opening balances may not display if this option is selected.

Combine Adjustments Into One Column

Select this option to present adjusting journal entry and reclassifying journal entry balances in one column entitled "Adjustments" instead of in two separate columns. This option is unavailable if you are using the format "Detailed entries with totals".

Note: If the Foreign exchange option is also selected, the combined adjustments will be included in the Report balance column.

Auto Arrange

Select to present group numbers or map numbers in numerical order. This option is available for the following document formats:

  • Account balances with group subtotals
  • Group summary
  • Group heirarchy with subtotals
  • Group heirarchy summary
Show Amount Change Select this option to display the amount change column in addition to the percentage change column.
Sign Select to use the normal sign for accounts on a grouping or leadsheet schedule for presentation purposes only. This option is unavailable if you are using the format Detailed entries with totals.
Includes Other Basis Adjustments Select to include other basis adjustment entries.
Adjusting Entry Detail

Select to display adjusting entry details posted to a particular account. Detail is listed only for adjustments applicable to a report.

For example, details for eliminating entries appear only if the balance type is Consolidated. Details for federal tax entries appear only if the balance type is Tax Federal. Other basis entries appear only if the Include Other Basis Adjustments check box is selected.

In addition, adjustment detail is listed only if there is a column in the report that shows the detail. For example, if the Show Amount Change or Foreign Exchange check boxes are selected, there is no column that contains adjustments for most reports, so no detail is shown in those reports.


Format Description
Checklist - Format 1

A spreadsheet with the following columns:

  • Procedures
  • Y/N (yes/no)
  • Initials
  • Reference (document reference)
  • Explanation
  • Annotation
Checklist - Format 2

A spreadsheet with the following columns:

  • Procedures
  • Y/N (yes/no)
  • Reference (document reference)
  • Explanation
  • Annotation
Program - Format 1

A spreadsheet with the following columns:

  • Procedures
  • Initials
  • Reference (document reference)
  • Explanation
  • Annotation
Program - Format 2

A spreadsheet with the following columns:

  • Procedures
  • Initials
  • Reference (document reference)
  • Explanation
  • Annotation
  • Time
  • Est Time
  • Staff
Program with assertions

A spreadsheet with the following columns:

  • Procedures
  • Completeness (C)
  • Existence (E)
  • Allocation (A)
  • Valuation (V)
  • Presentation (P)
  • Initials
  • Reference (document reference)
  • Annotation
  • Time
  • Est Time
  • Level (user level)
Program with assertions - Format 2

A spreadsheet with all columns from the Program with Assertions format, plus one custom column (X) for your personal use.

Spreadsheet Analysis

Format Description
Accrued expenses Accrued Prior + Paid - Expenses = Balance
Capital assets (Cost Prior + Additions - Disposals) - (Prior + Accumulated Amortization - Reductions) = NBV

Principle Prior - Sales = Balance

Accrued Prior + Received - Income = Balance

Proc Sales - Sales = Gain (Loss) on Sales

Notes payable

Principle Prior + Additions - Disposals = Balance

Acc Int Prior + Additions - Payments = Balance

Prepaid analysis Prior + Payments - Expenses = Balance
Generic single column Includes Description, No, Source, and Amount column.
Generic double column Amount 1 + Amount 2 = Total
Generic triple column Beginning + Additions - Deductions = Balance
Generic twelve column Amount 1 + Amount 2 + Amount 3 +...Amount 12 = Total

Tax Reconciliation

Format Description
Detail Tax Line & Sub-Line If selected, the document displays full detail for both the Tax Line and the Sub-Line.
Tax Sub-Line Summary If selected, the document displays full detail for the Tax Line and only summary information for the Sub-Line.
Tax Line Summary If selected, the document displays only summary information for both the Tax Line and the Sub-Line.
Detail & Sub-Line with Main Tax Totals If selected, the document displays full detail for both the Tax Line and the Sub-Line. Unlike Detail Tax Line & Sub-Line, summary subtotal lines appear for each Sub-Line.
  • In Detail Tax Line & Sub-Line and Detail & Sub-Line with Main Tax Totals documents, the tax related to the original amount is used. For example, if an adjustment to 01A "Gross receipts or sales" updates M3217B "Cost of goods sold", the detail line will read "Adjustments to Gross receipts or sales" and not "Adjustments to cost of goods sold". This allows you to see where the adjustment originally came from.


Setting Description
Book Balance

Select to display the book balance as:

  • Unadjusted - Client balance without adjusting entries.
  • Adjusted - Client balance plus normal adjusting entries.
  • Report - Client balance plus adjusting entries plus reclassifying entries.

Note: The user can choose "report" balance instead of "consolidated" for the subsidiary companies in a consolidated file if they do not want to include eliminating entries in reports for those entities.

  • Consolidated - Report plus eliminating entries.
From/To Reference Specify a range to restrict the number of items to be included in the document. Enter a starting reference in the From Reference field and an ending reference in the To Reference field. Any reference number outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.
dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts, or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

For more information, see dBase Filter.

Exclude M3*A/M3*D Tax Codes Select to exclude M3 Book Amount and M3 Tax Amount codes from the document.
Include Other Basis Adjustments Select to include other basis adjustments in the Adjusted Tax Balance total.

Trial Balance

Format Description
Account balances Presents all accounts with adjusting journal entries in the order you select with full annotation and commentary.
Account final balance Lists the Trial Balance showing final and prior balances only.
Account balances with group subtotals Presents all accounts in the grouping order you select with subtotals of the group or map number.
Account balances with split-up Presents all financial accounts and details any split-up accounts.
Group hierarchy with subtotals Presents all accounts in the grouping order you select along with the subtotals by map or group number.
Group hierarchy summary Presents all grouped balances in the grouping order you select. Double-click an item to view the accounts assigned to the group or map number.
Group summary Presents grouping balances with detail in the grouping order you select. Double-click an item to view the accounts assigned to the group or map number.
Detailed entries with totals Lists the adjusting entries for each account and can be used to support any account on the Trial Balance.
  • Each of the formats, except for Detailed entries with totals, can be presented in a variety of orders. Use the Order property to display accounts in a grouping, leadsheet, report, account, mapping, or tax code arrangement.


Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.

Select from the following balances to display specific balance columns based on balance type selected in the document: 

For example, if Report is selected as a balance type, the following balances columns will display: 

  • Active/Prior - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Prior Year balances.
  • Active/Preceding - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Preceding period balances.
  • Active/Budget - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final, and Budget Year balances.
  • Active/Forecast - Included are Preliminary, Adjusted, Eliminating, Final and Forecast balances.
  • Five Year - Included are Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 balances.
  • Five Year Budget - Includes Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 budget numbers.
  • Five Year Forecast - Includes are Final, Prior 1, Prior 2, Prior 3, and Prior 4 forecast numbers.
  • User Defined - Includes Preliminary, Adjusted, Reclassifying, Final balances and balances selected from the Balance Source Dialog. >>How Do I?

Select the following account type entries to display in the document. Depending on the format the following options may be available:

  • All Accounts
  • Financial
  • Cash Flow
  • Performance
  • Various groupings
  • Review
  • Mapping
  • Tax Export Codes
Balance Type

Select a balance type to define which balance to include in the trial balance document:

  • Unadjusted - client balance without adjusting entries.
  • Adjusted - client balance plus normal adjusting entries.
  • Report - client balance plus adjusting entries plus reclassifying entries.
  • Note: The user can choose "report" balance instead of "consolidated" for the subsidiary companies in a consolidated file if they do not want to include eliminating entries in reports for those entities.

  • Consolidated - report plus eliminating entries.
  • Tax Federal – Consolidated plus federal adjusting entries.
  • Tax State – Consolidated plus state adjusting entries.
  • Tax City – Consolidated plus city adjusting entries.

Select to group the document as follows:

  • Account
  • Report
  • L/S
  • Group 2 through 10
  • Map No.
  • Tax Export code
  • M3 Code

This property is not available for the Detailed entries with totals format.


Select to apply rounding to the numbers displayed in the document. Options are none, ones (i.e. no decimals), thousands, or millions. When rounding, numbers are divided by the selected factor and then rounded to the closest integer. For example, the number 5662, when rounded by thousands, would be calculated as 5.662 and rounded to 6.

For documents with subtotals, rounding is applied to the individual lines, not to the subtotal. Rounding differences for the draft Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flow will be made to the rounding accounts as set in the Report Settings.

Structure Select to apply a structure to the current document. You can define structures by clicking the Structures icon on the ribbon, under the Engagement tab.
From/To Group Specify a range to restrict the number of groups to be included in the trial balance. When applicable, enter a starting group number in the From Group field and an ending group number in the To Group field. Any group with numbers outside the range will not displayed in the document.
dBase filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any records that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

For more information, see dBase Filter.

Foreign Exchange Select to view balances in a foreign currency. For more information on setting up foreign exchange, see Foreign Exchange.
Consolidated View

Select to view several entities at once.

The view itemizes balances per entity as well as eliminating adjustments, consolidated balance, and prior year figures.

Note: Up to 49 entities can be displayed in the document with consolidated view option.

This option is not available if the format is set to detailed entries with totals, if the balance type is not set to report or consolidated, if a structure is specified or if the following options are selected:

  • Include other basis adjustments
  • Combined adjustments into one column
  • Show amount change
  • Adjusting entry detail
Period Balances

Select to display balances for accounts as follows:

  • Balance sheet accounts display as year-to-date.
  • Income statement accounts display for the period specified.
  • Retained earnings accounts, as specified in the Settings for Report dialog (accessed by clicking the Settings button from the Working Trial Balance), will adjust for the net income of all previous periods.

Note: Income statement accounts' opening balances may not display if this option is selected.

Combine Adjustments into One Column

Select this option to present adjusting journal entry and reclassifying journal entry balances in one column entitled "Adjustments" instead of in two separate columns. This option works with Report and consolidated balances but is unavailable if you are using the format "Detailed entries with totals".

Note: If the Foreign exchange option is also selected, the combined adjustments will be included in the Report balance column.

Auto Arrange If viewing a Trial balance report with group subtotals, an expand/collapse button will appear in the left column next to the group. Click on the +/- sign to view or hide the account groups.
Show Amount Change Select this option to display the amount change column in addition to the percentage change column.
Include Other Basis Adjustments Select to include other basis adjustments entries in the document.
Adjusting Entry Detail

Select to display applicable adjusting entries details in the document. This allows you to see a report that groups accounts by map number or any other group while seeing the detail of the adjusting journal entries that are being posted against a particular account.

For example, details for eliminating entries appear only if the balance type is Consolidated. Details for federal tax entries appear only if the balance type is Tax Federal. Other basis entries appear only if the Include Other Basis Adjustments check box is selected. In addition, adjustment detail is listed only if there is a column in the report that shows the detail. For example, if the Show Amount Change or Foreign Exchange check boxes are selected, there is no column that contains adjustments for most reports, so no detail is shown in those reports.

In the document, you can drill down from an adjusting journal entry detail line to open the applicable journal. You can annotate the detail line with both global and document annotations.

  • If you select the "Entry Booked in General Ledger" option with the date range of the General Ledger report left as default, when you drill-down on the Trial Balance report, the opening balance of each account will not include booked adjusting entries from prior periods.


Uncorrected Misstatements

Setting Description
Period Select to set the period for the report. Options allowed vary based on the date settings established in the Engagement Properties.
From/To Date

Specify a range to restrict the period to be included in the document.

If applicable, enter a starting date in the From Date field and an ending date in the To Date field. For example, to view all activity from July 1st onwards, enter this date in the From Account field. To view all activity up to August 31st, enter this date in the To Date field.

Any period outside the range will not be displayed or printed on the report.

If blank, the From/To Date fields default to the beginning and ending dates of the active period as specified in the Engagement Properties.

Note: If setting a date range on a reconciliation document, the "From date" will be set to the date chosen or the date of the earliest uncleared GL transaction in the file, whichever is earlier. If you find your report is dated earlier than you had set it, check the file for uncleared transactions.

dBase Filter

Apply a filter to print or view only those transactions, accounts, or balances that match criteria you specify. The filter usually takes the form of a condition. Any records that do not meet the filter will be excluded. Although a filter can be established for any field in the database, the most useful would be the General Ledger database where all detailed transactions are maintained.

Tip: If the format of the report is modified after the filter is written (for example, from balances with totals to one with group subtotals), the filter can be affected and may no longer work in the expected way. The filter may have to be modified to work under the new conditions.

For more information, see dBase Filter.