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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > CaseWare Working Papers > Environments and Electronic Licensing > Meta data fields
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Meta-Data Fields

List of Working Papers meta-data fields that can be used as variables in Working Papers. For example, when adding publish keys in SmartSync Server.

Name Type Description Notes
FileVersion Number File internal version number Example: 8.79 = 2014.00.091
UserFriendlyFileVersion Text Working Papers version number Example: 2014.00
FileId Text File Identifier Hexadecimal GUID Format
ClientId Text Client Identifier Hexadecimal GUID Format
ClientName Text Operating Name  
ClientNumber Text Client Number  
EngagementType Text Engagement Type  
Progress Text Progress  
Status Text Status  
AssignedTo Text Assigned To  
YearEnd Date Year End Date  
Due Date Due Date  
CreatedBy Text Created By  
LastAccessedBy Text Last Accessed By  
Created Date Created On  
LastAccessed Date Last Accessed On  
IntegrationFlags Number Integration Flags  
ProjectId Text Project Identifier Hexadecimal GUID Format
IntegratedClientNumber Text Cloud Entity Number  
IntegratedClientName Text Cloud Entity Name  
ProjectNumber Text Project Number  
ProjectDescription Text Engagement Name  
InChargeNumber Text In Charge Number  
TeamLeaderNumber Text Team Leader Number  
StartDate Date Start Date  
CompletionDate Date Completion Date  
BudgetedHours Number Budgeted Hours  
BudgetedAmount Number Budgeted Amount  
ContractAmount Text Contract Amount  
LockdownStatus Text Lockdown Status  
LockdownJurisdiction Text Lockdown Jurisdiction  
LockdownClass Text Lockdown Type  
DocumentCompletionDate Date Document Completion Date  
LockdownDate Date Lockdown Date  
CleanedUp Yes or No Cleaned Up  
YearEndClosePerformed Yes or No Year End Close Performed  
CompanyAddress1 Text Address (Line 1)  
CompanyAddress2 Text Address (Line 2)  
CompanyCity Text City  
CompanyState Text State/Province  
CompanyCountry Text Country  
CompanyZipCode Text Zip/Postal Code  
CompanyHomePage Text Home Page  
CompanyPhoneNumber Text Phone Number  
CompanyFax Text Fax  
Contact1Title Text Contact 1 Title  
Contact1FirstName Text Contact 1 First Name  
Contact1LastName Text Contact 1 Last Name  
Contact1Designation Text Contact 1 Designation  
Contact1Position Text Contact 1 Position  
Contact1PhoneNumber Text Contact 1 Phone Number  
Contact1Fax Text Contact 1 Fax  
Contact1CellPhone Text Contact 1 Cell Number  
Contact1HomePhone Text Contact 1 Home Number  
Contact1Email Text Contact 1 Email  
Contact2Title Text Contact 2 Title  
Contact2FirstName Text Contact 2 First Name  
Contact2LastName Text Contact 2 Last Name  
Contact2Designation Text Contact 2 Designation  
Contact2Position Text Contact 2 Position  
Contact2PhoneNumber Text Contact 2 Phone Number  
Contact2Fax Text Contact 2 Fax  
Contact2CellPhone Text Contact 2 Cell Number  
Contact2HomePhone Text Contact 2 Home Number  
Contact2Email Text Contact 2 Email  
StandardIndustryCode Text Standard Industry Code  
AcrossIndustryCode Text Across Industry Code  
BusinessNumber Text Business Number  
TaxJurisdiction Text Tax Jurisdiction  
SynchronizationDisabled Yes or No Synchronization Disabled  
SmartSync Yes or No SmartSync File  
ReviewerCopy Yes or No Reviewer Copy  
TaxEntity Text Tax Entity N/A, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, Non-Profit

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