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Working with Themes in the Libraries

When you are viewing a financial statement area, you can specify options that control how the statement area is viewed.

Loading Firm Themes

While working in the library, the base content is inserted from the CaseWare International library using the Modern themes. If you have customized a firm themes, you must load the themes into all the library files as you are authoring your content. This will apply all the customized styles for the area in which you are working.

Subsequent changes to the firm themes should be refreshed in the library files.

  1. Open the Firm Library document for the area. See the section Accessing a financial statement area for details on how to do this.
  2. In the Home tab, in the Format group, click Reload Themes .
  3. From the shortcut menu, select the themes to view in.

The financial statement area is displayed using the specified themes.

Note: The themes loaded in the library should be the same that is used as the default within the financial statements. If they are not the same, the content added from the library will use the themes selected in the financial statements. For details on managing themes, see the section Setting themes options.

New! Saving Styles to New Theme

While working in the library, you can now save any user specific changes to a new custom style sheet that can be shared between other users.

  1. Open the Firm Library document for the area. See the section Accessing a financial statement area for details on how to do this.
  2. Once satisfied with your changes to the style, from the Home tab, in the Format group, click

  3. Click Yes, enter a name for the file, and browse to the location where you want to save your file.

Styles are now saved in a new theme .sty file that can be shared to other users.