You are here: Help Topics > Customization > Sections > Name Conflict With Section Sort Groups Dialog

Name Conflict With Section Sort Groups Dialog

Use this dialog to resolve conflicts with section sort groups being added by cutting and pasting to the current document. Each sort group in a CaseView document must have a unique name.

List of existing conflicting sections

Lists the existing section sort groups in the CaseView document that have the same name as a section sort group in the material being inserted. Highlight a section sort group name in the list and select the appropriate resolution for the conflict.


Use target document's definition

Select this option to remove the section sort group from the block being inserted into the document. The exiting section sort group remains intact and functional.

Use clipboard (source document's) definition

Select this option to add the section sort group in the block being inserted to the document. With this option, the existing sort group will no longer exist in the document.

Rename item to:

Select the radio button and type in a new name for the section sort group being added to the document.