Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Engagements > Roles > Define role dependencies

Define role dependencies

You can define dependencies between roles to strictly control the sign off order for all documents using the role set.

Role dependencies cannot be cyclic between roles. For example, you cannot simultaneously require that Role A signs off before Role D, and Role D signs off before Role A. If a cyclic dependency occurs, a warning displays informing you that you must redefine the dependency.

To define a role dependency:

  1. On the ribbon, click Tools | Options.
  2. Click the Roles tab.
  3. For the role where you want to define a dependency, select the Requires drop-down menu.
  4. Select the role that must sign off first before this role can sign off a document. If you select N/A, the role can sign off at any time. Click OK.

The role dependency is defined.


  • In protected files, if a user attempts to sign off on a document without meeting their role's requirements, they will receive an error advising them that another role must sign off first.
  • In unprotected files, users can still sign off on documents without meeting their role's requirements, however the document is flagged with a warning that it has not met all sign off requirements.

    A warning bubble that reads: sign off requirements have not been met, and the preparer role information