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In the Options dialog, you can set the default properties for Working Papers. These options affect each new client, report, journal, or user so you don't have to make the same changes every time. Access the Options dialog on the ribbon by clicking Tools | Options.


Set general default preferences for Working Papers.

Option Description

The appearance of the Working Papers interface.

Auto Compress

Action taken when client files are closed:

  • No: Do not compress the file.
  • Yes: Automatically compress the file.
  • Prompt: Prompt to confirm if the file should be compressed.
  • Yes (with subfolders): Automatically compress the file and all subfolders.
Table List Field Style

The style for content displayed on list fields within tables:

  • Descriptions: Display the full accounting description for entries made in a list.

    Example: The Type column of the Working Trial Balance displays Balance Sheet.

  • Abbreviations: Display the normal accounting abbreviation for entries made in a list.

    Example: The Type column of the Working Trial Balance displays BS for Balance Sheet.

  • Entry Codes: Display the shortest possible abbreviation for entries made in a list.

    Example: The Type column of the Working Trial Balance displays B for Balance Sheet.

Number of recently used files

The number of recently opened files to display on the Files pane of the File | Open | Recent Files window. The number can range from 0 to 15.

Click Clear to empty the current list.

Number of recently used folders

The number of recently opened folders to display on the Files pane of the File | Open | Computer window. The number can range from 0 to 15.

Click Clear to empty the current list.

Color Scheme

Change the visual appearance of browse windows, such as Working Trial Balance, Report setup, Statement of Cash Flow, Adjusting Entries, Other Entries, Account Mapping, Tax Linkage, and Tickmarks.

Show grid lines: Check to show grid lines in browse windows.


State of sync files when opened:

  • Default: Files open in the same state they were in when they were closed (Online or Offline).
  • Online: Files always open Online.
  • Offline: Files always open Offline.

Enable event logging: Select to create a log of actions, such as opening, closing, and synchronizing a file. The SmartSyncEventLog file is saved in the same location as the personal store.


Action that occurs when a sync copy is closed and CaseView or other external documents, such as Word or Excel, are still open:

  • Prompt if open: A dialog displays the options to Save and close external documents, Leave documents open, Retry or Cancel.
  • Close on exit: Documents are automatically saved and closed.
  • Leave open on exit: Documents are left opened. Changes made to opened documents after closing the sync child copy are not synchronized.
Auto-delete local copy

Action that occurs when a sync copy is closed:

  • No: The default option to not delete the local copy when the file is closed.
  • Yes: Delete the local copy when the file is closed.
  • Prompt: Present a dialog when the file is closed, asking whether the local copy should be deleted.
  • Prompt (new files only): Present a dialog when a new file is closed, asking whether the local copy should be deleted. Existing files will maintain the default behavior of not deleting the local copy.
Download document changes on demand

Select to prevent document changes from being downloaded and applied automatically.

Allow creation of multiple synchronized copies

Select to allow multiple sync copies to be created from the same parent file.

Enter key advances to the next field in dialogs

The Enter key functions as the TAB key in dialogs, advancing the cursor to the next field.

Use old keyboard shortcuts (requires restart)

Allows the usage of older keyboard shortcuts.

Close file when Document Manager is closed

Closing the Document Manager closes the client file.

Open Excel documents in separate instances of Excel

Microsoft Excel documents open in their own instance of Excel.

Show Document Tabs

Displays a list of currently open documents on the ribbon above the Status bar with a tab for each open document.

Hide date and user information in annotation notes

User and date information normally displayed in annotation notes is hidden.

Include document number in title when launching Word or Excel documents Document numbers are included in the header of Word and Excel when a document is opened from Working Papers.

Default Paths

Set the default paths for Working Papers content.

Option Description
Client File Path

Specifies the location of the default client folder. Used when opening files.

Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\Data

Template Path

Specifies the location of the default template folder. Used when installing templates or when browsing for a template.

Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\Template

Document Library Path

Specifies the location of the default document library folder. Used when copying library files.

Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\Document Library

Sign Out Path

Specifies the location of the default sign out folder. Used when signing out files.

Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\Data

Check Out Path

Specifies the location of the default check out folder. Used when checking out documents.

Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\CheckOut

Backup Path

Specifies the location of the default backup folder. Used when creating backup files.

Default: C:\Users\<user.name>\Documents

Year End Close Path

Specifies the location of the default year end close folder. Used when performing a year end close.

Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\Data

SmartSync Path

Specifies the location of the default SmartSync folder. Used when creating synchronized files.

(Sync) is appended to the client file folder that is created. Example: ClientFileName (Sync).

Using a network location as the SmartSync path may cause problems.

Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\Data


Set the default roles for review and sign off.

Options Description
Role set

This option selects an existing role set. Use the drop-down menu to see all role sets available in this file.


This command adds a new role set.

For detailed instructions, see Add a role set.

Edit This command edits an existing role set.

This command deletes an existing role set.

Note: Deleted role sets cannot be recovered.

Number of Roles

This option specifies how many roles are contained in this role set. Each role set has a minimum of two roles and a maximum of eight roles.

Select a number to activate the role fields.


This option selects a label for active roles. Customize a label by editing it in the text box.


This option specifies role dependencies for active roles. Use the drop-down to specify if other role sign offs are required prior to signing off this role.

For more information, see Role dependencies.


This option selects a color for active roles.

This is the color of the checkmark used on the Document Manager when this role is signed off.

Flag changes after sign offs

This option tracks all changes to this document after a specified role sign off.

Make read only after sign offs

This option marks a document as read-only after a specified role sign off. Documents that are read-only cannot be edited.

Document ready for review when

Integrate role sign offs in Working Papers with Caseware Cloud to indicate a document's review status.

Show role completion check marks in

This option determines whether role completion check marks appear beside the document icons or in a separate column.


Set up to ten custom groupings for accounts.

Option Description

Input the name of each grouping. Changing the grouping name updates all automatic documents and all program areas involving groupings for the current file.


Defines the account numbers specified under Groupings. Under Grouping 1, the default mask is "XX.XX.XXX". Any account with the same first characters, followed by a decimal separator and additional unique characters, are still considered to be the same account. For example, if you have account number A, and accounts A.1 and A.2; accounts A.1 and A.2 are sub accounts of A.

Mapping: General

Set the default preferences for mapping accounts in Working Papers.

Option Description
Mapping Name

Modify the mapping name. The name you enter updates all program areas using the mapping name for the current file only.

Mapping Mask

The Mapping Mask is defaulted to "XXX.XXX.XX". Any Map Number with the same first characters, followed by a decimal separator and additional unique characters, are still considered to be under the same Map Number. For example, if you have map number 111, and map numbers 111.110 and 111.120; map numbers 111.110 and 111.120 are sub map numbers of 111.

Show account balances in the Assign Mapping Numbers dialog

Select this option to display the total map number balance. This balance is the sum of all accounts assigned to the map number.

Create placeholders for missing map numbers

Select this option to create placeholders for unassigned/unmapped accounts.

Mapping: Autofill

Set the default preferences for account properties when automatically assigning map numbers to the chart of accounts.

Option Description
Autofill all account properties

Specify how you want Working Papers to complete account properties when assigning map numbers to the chart of accounts.

When the map numbers are autofilled, Working Papers populates the tax codes with entity-specific codes linked through the map numbers. If there is no entity-specific tax code for a map number then the generic tax code is used if available. If not available (i.e., blank) then the autofill procedure leaves the current tax as is.

Autofill selected account properties

Select this option to replace individual account properties with the properties of the map number. Place a checkmark next to the properties that you wish to replace.

Note: All mapping report properties (draft financial statements) are grouped together as one option named Mapping Report Properties".

Only autofill properties if blank

Select this option to complete selected account properties that are blank with those of the map number.

Clear account properties if corresponding map number properties are blank

Select this option to clear the account properties if the properties of the map number it has been assigned to are blank.

Only autofill accounts assigned to selected map numbers

This option allows you to autofill only the accounts that are assigned to map numbers that you select. Selecting this option also enables the Select button.

Clicking Select will launch the Select Map Numbers dialog. This dialog lists all map numbers. Place a checkmark beside the Map Numbers which should be included in the comparison/autofill process. Select All and Deselect All buttons have been included to make this task easier.

Autofill Now

Click Autofill Now to synchronize account and map number properties.

Automap Now

Click Automap Now to map any unmapped accounts automatically by looking at their Class Type/Tax Code/GIFI Code and matching it against the client file mapping structure. Word matching is then used to try and narrow down an appropriate map number from the group of possible matches.

Mapping: Purge

Set the purge criteria for map numbers.

Option Description
Purge now Purge the selected item.

Opens the Purge Criteria dialog to create a new purge criteria.


Opens the Purge Criteria dialog to modify the selected purge criteria.


Deletes the selected purge criteria.


Set the default print and display preferences for automatic documents.

Option Description
Financial statements formatted under Trial Balance/mapping report tab

Select to print and view accounts on the Working Papers draft financial statements that have zero balances.

General ledger

Select to print and view accounts on the general ledger that have zero balances.

Trial balance/leadsheets/analytical review/tax reconciliation

Select to print and view accounts on Trial Balance reports, leadsheets and specified other documents that have zero balances.

Note: In any automatic document with groups, accounts still show if they have any activity for the period (for audit purposes), even if the final balance of the group is zero.

Role heading regardless of sign off

Select to always display initial boxes on all automatic documents even if the document isn't complete.

Note: To omit the user box from all automatic documents, make sure that none of the existing documents are signed off and turn this option off.

Whole Numbers

Select to display all numbers without decimal places. All numbers round to dollar values.

Page numbers on financial statements formatted under report tab

Select to print the page number on the bottom right corner of the Working Papers draft financial statements.

System date and time

Select to print the system date and time on the bottom left corner of all automatic documents.

Rounding multiple in header

Select to add an extra line in the header to indicate the rounding setting.

Calculated map/group numbers

Select to display calculated map numbers in Financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement), and Trial Balance, Leadsheet, and Analytical Review documents that have group totals.

Position of initials

Specify the default location of users' initials on all automatic documents. Initials can be specified in the individual document on the Document Properties.

  • Top: Print user initials at the top right corner of the page.
  • Bottom: Print user initials at the bottom right corner of the page.
Print text box notes as references

Select to have all text box notes be printed as regular notes in the top left corner.

Document number format

Specify how to display page numbering in printed documents.

  • Default: A.1-1
  • Document number without page number: A.1
  • Document number {page}: A.1 1
  • Document number {page}/{total}: A.1 1/10
  • Document number {page} of {total}: A.1 1 of 10

Footer for financial statements formatted under Trial Balance/mapping report tab

Add up to two lines of text which will be centered at the bottom of all Working Papers draft financial statements.

Footer for all other automatic documents

Add up to two lines of text which will be centered at the bottom of all automatic documents with the exception of financial statements generated by Working Papers.

Allow separate commentary text on Trial Balance automatic documents

Allows you to specify separate commentary text for Trial Balance documents. Selecting this option will clear the global commentary for Trial Balance documents if it was previously specified.

The global commentary can still be accessed from the working Trial Balance screen (Insert | Commentary). By clearing this option, the Trial Balance documents will automatically include the global commentary, including Trial Balance documents that are already open on screen.

Data Store

Set the default preferences for integration with the Data Store Administration Tool.

Option Description
Track Engagement Properties

Select what engagement to track: My Engagements, Disabled.

Use Data Store

Entering the details for a data store enables this option.

Store type

Type of data store being used.


Location of the data store.


Status of the data store.

Lists: Journals

Set the default journal types in Working Papers.

Option Description

Creates a new journal type.


Modifies the properties of the selected journal type.


Deletes the selected journal. Journals with entries posted cannot be deleted.

Lists: Tax Codes

Set the default tax codes for Working Papers.

Option Description

Creates a new tax code.


Modifies the selected tax code.

Note: Changing a tax rate updates all existing journal or adjusting entries using that tax code. To avoid this, create a new unique tax code for the new rate.


Deletes the selected tax code. Tax codes currently in use in the client file cannot be deleted.

Lists: Units

Set the non-financial metrics for use in audit analysis.

Option Description

Creates a new unit.


Modifies the properties of the selected unit.


Deletes the selected unit.

Lists: Custom Balances

Set the default custom balances for Working Papers.

Option Description

Creates a new custom balance.


Modifies the properties of the selected custom balance.


Deletes the selected custom balance.


Set the default languages for Working Papers.

Option Description

Default language

Specify the default language.

Client file language

Specify the language in client files.

Enable multiple language support

Enables the language selection drop-down on the Context toolbar.


Enter a name for the primary language.


Enter an identifier for the primary language. This identifier is used in CaseView calculations to draw a value into a cell using the correct language.

Additional Languages

Create, edit, or delete additional languages for the language drop-down. Each new language requires a name and identifier.


Check the components of the client file whose descriptions will change when a new language is selected.


Set the default currency for Working Papers.

Option Description
Currency symbol

Specifies the currency symbol


Specifies the position of the currency symbol.

Decimal symbol

Specifies the symbol used to indicate a decimal.

Digit grouping symbol

Specifies the symbol used when grouping digits.


Select the default layout for Working Papers from a template.

Option Description
Layout template

Select a layout template from the list of available templates.

Note: Once any layout is loaded, closing the Document Manager no longer closes the Client File.

Customer Experience

Join or opt-out of the Customer Experience Improvement Program.

Option Description
Join the Customer Experience Improvement Program Select to send non-identifying information about your Working Papers usage to Caseware International.
I do not want to join the program at this time Select to opt-out of the Customer Experience Improvement Program.

Caseware Cloud

Set the default preferences for Cloud integration.

Option Description
Integrate with Caseware Cloud Check this option to enable Cloud integration.

Displays the current user logged into Cloud. Only displays after integration.

  • Log Out: Select to log the current user out of Cloud.
Cloud sites

Displays a list of active Cloud sites. Click a new line to add another Cloud site.

  • Active: Select to connect to the Cloud site. Only one Cloud site can be active at a time.
  • Server: Your organization's Cloud URL. Do not include https:// in the URL.
  • Label: Enter a label for the Cloud site. This field is optional.
  • Port: The port to use for Cloud access.


Set advanced preferences for Working Papers.

Option Description
Working Trial Balance
  • Display warning when exiting and not in balance: Allows users to exit the Working Trial Balance when it is out of balance but displays a warning to the unbalanced condition.
  • Do not allow exit from working Trial Balance when not in balance: Prevents users from exiting the Working Trial Balance if it is out of balance. Users must correct the unbalanced condition before exiting.
  • Do not display warning when exiting and not in balance: Allows users to exit the Working Trial Balance with no warning when it is out of balance.
  • Do not allow exit from journals when not in balance: Prevents users from exiting Adjusting Entries or Other Entries if the entry is out of balance. Users must correct the unbalanced condition before exiting.
Automatic Repost
  • Disable repost when changing rates, report setup, and account types: Working Papers will not automatically repost all accounts each time certain modifications are done. A manual repost will be required, found under Tools | Repair File.
  • Display unbalanced message for current year: Displays a warning when exiting the split-up function while there is a non-zero difference between the Account Setup balance and the split-up total for the current year. The warning allows users to reconcile the differences before returning to the Account setup.
  • Display unbalanced message for prior year: Displays a warning when exiting the split-up function while there is a non-zero difference between the Account Setup balance and the split-up total for the prior year. The warning allows users to reconcile the differences before returning to the Account setup.
  • Display unbalanced message for budget: Display a warning when exiting the split-up function while there is a non-zero difference between the Account Setup balance and the split-up total for budget amounts. The warning allows users to reconcile the differences before returning to the Account setup.
  • Allow deletion of split-up accounts with balances: Allows sub-accounts formed by split-up to be deleted even when they have balances. Working Papers will revert to the total balance.

Display account mapping / grouping names as

Select the descriptions for map and group numbers to display in the body of automatic Working Papers documents.

  • Short description: Displays the Name as the description for all accounts.
  • Extended description: Displays the Extended Description for all accounts. Accounts with no extended description display blank.
  • Extended description if Available: Displays the Extended Description for accounts where it was entered. Accounts with no extended description display the short description.
  • Enforce exclusive use of documents: Opening a document locks it from access by other users until closed. For more information, see Lock documents for exclusive use.
  • Do not allow synchronization: Files are not synchronized and cannot be published to the server. This option is only available if the file has not yet been synchronized.

Default Document Synchronization Behaviour

For more information on this feature, see Specify the default synchronization behavior.

  • Automatic: Documents are synchronized by the SmartSync engine automatically.
  • On Demand: Document changes are saved locally and must be synchronized manually. Manually synchronizing with the parent file sends the last saved version of the document.
  • Never: Document changes are saved locally. Manually synchronizing with the parent file excludes all documents from the Synchronize All Documents command.


  • Do not refresh open documents when changes are made by other users: Turns off live updates for documents (excluding CaseView documents).
  • Modify issues created by other users: Allows users to modify issues created by other users if they are assigned to the issue. This option is only available if protection is not enabled.
  • Do not display cleared Trial Balance and automatic document line issues: Allows users to hide any cleared issues annotations.
  • Do not perform external entity check when opening client files: Prevents Working Papers from locating child entity files in an externally consolidated file. This check is normally performed to verify if contents have changed and warn that a reconsolidation may be necessary. In an environment where the connection to the child entity files may be slow or intermittent, selecting this option can improve performance when opening consolidated files.
  • Do not flag changes after sign offs: Allows users to flag external and CaseView documents.
Engagement Export
  • Display only supported tax codes: Shows tax codes applicable to the tax vendor instead of showing all available tax codes.
  • Allow any adjustments to tax export codes in the lockdown file: Allows tax adjustments in a file that has been locked down.