Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Practice > Caseware Connector > Registry settings

Registry settings

All registry locations listed below begin with "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CasewareInternational\Caseware Connector\Settings" unless otherwise specified.

To modify Working Papers registry settings, see Working Papers registry settings.


Setting Registry key/value
Local Currency Position



Zero as Dash



Excel formula updated immediately



Combine Links



Use Connector User Defined Functions (UDF) \Excel\Use Udfs
Use Client File opened in Working Papers for UDFs \Excel\UseClientFileOpenedInWP
Convert Type



Link Path Type



Other settings

Setting Registry key/value
Whether or not the Connector toolbar is visible



Column settings for the Linkage dialog



(Each category is listed as a subfolder which contains folder order, sort, and size settings)