Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Practice > Backup and repair > Back up a file

Back up a file

You can create a backup of your Working Papers files in the form of a compressed copy.


To back up a Working Papers file:

  1. In Working Papers, open the file that you want to back up.
  2. On the ribbon, click File | Back Up. The Back Up dialog displays.
  3. Enter or Browse for the location where you want to save the backup copy. The full path, including the name of the file, must be 260 characters or less.
  4. Select whether or not to include sub-folders from the file's folder, and if applicable, to include the Sync folder. Including the Sync folder will maintain links between the backed up file and its parent copy.

    Click OK.

The file is compressed and copied to the specified location in a folder labeled Backup of [filename] (mm-dd-yyyy hh-mm-ss AM/PM).


  • The Sync folder backup is renamed to _Sync_ to ensure it will not join the existing SmartSync hierarchy when restored. To fully restore the file and rejoin the sync hierarchy, rename the folder to _Sync.
  • If you are restoring a parent file from a backup, ensure that both the parent and child copies are online so they can synchronize any new events. If possible, we suggest that you generate new child copies from the restored parent file.
  • When opening files from File | Open, ensure you deselect Create a Synchronized Copy to avoid creating another sync copy.

Restore a file from a backup

You can restore a Working Papers file from a backup copy if you no longer have the file, or want to revert the file back to a previous state.

To restore a Working Papers file from a backup:

  1. Open Working Papers.
  2. On the ribbon, click File | Open.
  3. Navigate to the location of your backup file and select it.

The backup file is decompressed and opened in Working Papers.