Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Practice > Backup and repair > Repair a file

Repair a file

You can perform a file repair to locate and correct errors in your Working Papers file. A file repair can reindex and renumber databases, repost entries and recalculate file balances.

We suggest that you regularly repair your files as part of a routine maintenance procedure, as well as for any of the following scenarios:

  • Prior to a year end close
  • If an error occurs (e.g. code base error -070)
  • If you experience unexpected results when working on the file
  • If your computer or network crashes while working on the file


To repair a Working Papers file:

  1. In Working Papers, open the file that you want to repair.
  2. On the ribbon, click Tools | Repair File. The Repair File dialog displays.
  3. Select the operations you want to perform in the repair. Click Advanced if you want to select specific databases to repair.

    Operation Description

    Reindex all databases in this client file

    Rebuilds the indices of all databases in the file and removes records that are marked for deletion.

    Renumber all databases in this client file

    Renumbers all databases in the file.

    Reindex system databases

    Reindexes the databases that contain system-wide user lists and passwords.

    Note: This process will fail if any other users are accessing the file.

    Repost all entries

    Reposts all journal entries in the file and updates the Trial Balance.

    Recalculate file balances

    Recalculates the control accounts and updates the Statement of Cash Flow in the file.

    Reindex these databases

    Rebuilds the indices in the specified databases and removes records that are marked for deletion.

    Right-click the database list to Select All, Deselect All, or invert your selection.

    Renumber these databases

    Renumbers the specified databases.

    Right-click the database list to Select All, Deselect All, or invert your selection.

    Click OK.

  4. A prompt to back up the file prior to repair displays. Click Yes to backup the file, or No to continue without a backup.

The Working Papers file is repaired based on your selections. Note that large files may take longer to repair.