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Manage groups

Groups enable you to organize your team logically and apply user settings according to that organization. Before you can manage your groups, you must enable protection in a file.

Create a group

Create groups to organize your users and designate their rights and access levels.

To create a group:

  1. On the ribbon, click Tools | Protection | Protection Setup.
  2. In the Users and Groups dialog, below Available Groups, click Add | New....
  3. In the Group Setup dialog, on the Group tab, complete each field. If applicable, complete the rate fields.
    • Standard Rate: The rate charged to the client.
    • Plan Rate: The rate based on audit risk.
  4. On the Rights and CaseView tabs, assign the rights and access levels that are applicable to the group. See Group properties for available settings.
  5. On the Members tab, assign users to the group. Click OK.

    Note: You can assign users to the new group afterward from the Users and Groups dialog.

The group is created in the file. You can modify the group from the Users and Groups dialog by selecting the group and clicking Properties.

Import a group

Groups are specific to the file where they were created. If you've created a group in a previous Working Papers file and want to reuse it in your current file, you can import the group.

To import a group:

  1. On the ribbon, click Tools | Protection | Protection Setup.
  2. In the Users and Groups dialog, below Available Groups, click Add | From Client File....
  3. In the Import Groups dialog, enter the Source File Path, or click Browse to search for the file.
  4. Select the group(s) you want to import from the file. Click OK.

The group is imported to the file. You can assign users to the group from the Users and Groups dialog.

Group properties

You can customize the properties of each group, including rights and access levels to permit or restrict actions in a file. For example, you can permit management actions in a manager group, then restrict those same actions in a staff group.

To modify a group's properties, click Tools | Protection | Protection Setup, then select a group and click Properties.


Specify general information for the group.

Command Description
Group name Enter a name for the group. This box will be read-only if modifying an existing group.
Group description Enter a description for the group.
Standard Rate Enter the rate being charged to the client.
Plan Rate Enter the rate being charged to the client.


Specify which rights are available to members of the selected group.


Command Description
Set User Properties Group members can modify user properties or delete the user list, including user information.
Set Group Properties Group members can create, modify, or delete user groups. This permission also allows members to add and remove global groups to and from the engagement file.
Allow assignment of users to any group Group members have permission to assign staff to a specific user group of the client file.
Allow assignment of users to own groups

Group members can assign users to the group only if the assigner is a member of that group.

For example, in a firm where the available groups are MGR and STAF:

  • John Smith belongs to the group STAF only and is currently logged in under that group.
  • Jane Doe does not belong to any group.
  • John Smith can assign Jane Doe to a STAF group, but he cannot assign her to the MGR group.


  • When a logged in user with this right accesses the Users and Groups dialog, the arrow buttons only become active when the currently logged in user selects a group he or she is a member of.
  • When a logged in user with this selected right creates a group, that user can never assign staff to the new group.
  • If the group also has the Set User Properties right, that right takes precedence over this one.
Set Protection On/Off Group members can enforce or disable protection.
Allow copying of Security Settings

Group members who also have Copy Components rights can copy security settings when copying components.

If this option is not set in the destination file, members of this group cannot copy security settings when copying a template.

Set User Password

Group members can change the password of any user.

Create New User

Group members can add users.


Command Description
Copy Components Group members can create a new file or modify an existing file using components of a template or any other Working Papers file.
Import Group members can import data from the File | Import menu.
Export Group members can export data from the File | Export menu.
Print Batch Group members can print multiple Working Papers and CaseView documents in one batch from the File | Print Batch menu.
Lock Client File/Unlock Client File Group members can lock a client file or re-open a locked client file.
Access Locked Client File Group members can open and modify a locked client file.
Modify issues created by other users Group members can edit issues signed off by users other than the one who created it.
Complete issue without being assigned to issue Group members can complete issues even if they are not assigned to the issue.
Modify issue types

Group members can modify issue types.

If this option is cleared, the members will not have permissions to add or delete issue types in Customize issue types.

Open client file directly Group members can open a client file without having to sign out the file or create a sync copy.
Apply updates from template

Group members can update client file content based on updates to base templates. For more information, see Template versions.

Note: Working Papers will not check for updates in compressed or unconverted templates.

Publish Client File / Replace Server Copy

Group members can publish or replace parent files in a SmartSync Server or Cloud environment. You must have Protection activated to enforce who has rights to update parent files through SmartSync Server.

Rename File Group members can rename Working Papers files.


Command Description
Modify Engagement Properties Group members can modify the Engagement Properties.
Consolidate Group members can consolidate two or more client files into the active client file.
Year End Close and Roll Forward Group members can perform a year end close in the client file.
Tickmarks Group members can create or modify tickmarks.
Clean Up Group members can run the Clean Up function.
Modify History Settings Group members can modify history settings under Engagement | History | Settings Tab.
Allowing signing in of files signed out by others Group members can sign in files that are signed out by other users.
Lock Down Group members can lock down the file under Engagement | Lock Down.


Command Description
Adjusting Journal Entries Group members can enter adjusting entries.
Allow deletion of adjusting journal entries Group members can delete adjusting entries.
Other Journal Entries Group members can enter bookkeeping entries.
Working Trial Balance

Group members can access the Working Trial Balance.

If this option is cleared, members in this group cannot:

  • Assign groupings to account numbers
  • Enter foreign exchange rates and tax codes
Allow access to Assign Mapping Dialog

Group members can view the Assign Mapping Numbers Dialog.

To allow group members to modify any of the map number properties or assign accounts to the map number, grant Mappings Rights.

Mapping Group members can view the Mapping Browse under Engagement | Mapping.
Setup Groups Group members can access the Setup Groupings screen from the Working Trial Balance.

Account dialog/browse

Command Description
Allow addition of account numbers Group members can create new account numbers.
Allow deletion of account numbers

Group members can delete account numbers

Note: Only account numbers with zero balances can be deleted.

Allow change of account numbers Group members can change existing account numbers in the Working Trial Balance | Account area.
Allow viewing of account number properties Group members can view the properties assigned to accounts in the Working Trial Balance | Account area.
Allow locking/unlocking of accounts Group members can lock or unlock accounts.

Trial balance

Command Description
Account Group members can set up the chart of accounts and enter opening, prior, and budget balances.
Report Group members can format the Working Papers draft financial statements and other reports for any account in the chart of accounts.
Cash Flow Group members can post Statement of Cash Flow balances.
Groupings Group members can assign groupings to the chart of accounts.
Tax Group members can assign tax codes to the chart of accounts for export to a tax package.
Foreign Exchange Group members can specify foreign exchange rates for each account in the chart of accounts.
Performance Measures Group members can create and edit accounts for performance indicators.
Split-up Accounts

Group members can create new accounts by splitting an existing account and edit split-up accounts.

Tip: When dealing with split-up accounts, the split-up accounts automatically inherit properties from the parent account. For example, a split-up account inherits the foreign exchange rates of its parent for foreign exchange calculations and balances. However, these properties can be modified once the split-up is created. In fact, split-ups can even have their own flip accounts assigned and can be made to act differently from their parent account.

Report Settings Group members can select account accounts used when generating Working Papers financial statements in Account | Working Trial Balance | Settings. Members can also specify additional companies or divisions.


Note: Performing mapping tasks also requires Account rights.

Command Description
Allow modification of mappings

Group members can assign accounts to map and group numbers.

Note: This option does not allow members to change any of the map number properties. See the "Allow change of map numbers" command.

Allow addition of map numbers Group members can create new map numbers.
Allow deletion of map numbers Group members can delete map numbers.
Allow change of map numbers

Group members can modify existing map numbers.

Note: These members can also view map number properties in the Assign Mapping Numbers dialog, but not in the Mapping browse. See the "Allow viewing of map number properties" command.

Allow viewing of map number properties Group members can view and modify map number properties in the Mapping browse, but not in the Assign Mapping Numbers dialog. See "Allow change of map numbers" above.


Command Description
Set document assignment Group members can assign documents on the Document Manager to members within this group.
Add new document Group members can create documents on the Document Manager.
Open document without being assigned to document

Group members can open documents without being assigned to the document.

To perform an analytical review, users must either be assigned to the document or belong to a group with this right assigned.

Delete document without being assigned to document

Group members can move documents to the Recycle Bin without being assigned to the documents, but they cannot permanently delete documents from the Recycle Bin.

Note: To permanently delete documents, the Delete documents from Recycle Bin / Permanently delete documents right is required.

Modify document properties without being assigned to document Group members can modify document properties (formats, settings, or properties such as date range or filters) without being assigned to the document.
Sign off document without being assigned to document

Group members can sign off documents without being assigned to the document. Users can sign off roles based on the particular security setting (for example, can sign off role 1) whether or not they are assigned to the document.

Can sign off role (x)

Group members can sign off all working papers as completed based on the selected role.

Note the limitation of this right with the Sign off document without being assigned to document right.

Can modify sign off date Group members can restrict the ability to change sign-off dates. To restrict the ability to change sign-off dates you must have Protection turned on.
Allow sign off by anyone Group members can sign off a role for another user using the other user's initials in Document Properties | Roles.
Delete milestones

Group members can delete a milestone in Document | Properties | History.

To delete a milestone, the group must have both Modify document properties without being assigned to document and Delete Milestones rights selected.

Allow role sign offs that break role requirements Group members can sign off on documents even if required roles have not yet been completed. You can change role dependency under Tools | Options | Roles.
Can modify shared document filters Group members can make modifications to document filters on the Shared tab of the Filter Manager.
Delete documents from Recycle Bin / Permanently delete documents Group members can permanently delete documents to which they are assigned from the Recycle Bin.


Command Description
Repair File Group members can recalculate, re-index, renumber, and repost data in the client file in Tools | Repair File.
Diagnostics Group members can run tests on the client file to identify incomplete program areas or instances of conflicting information in client files in Tools | Diagnostics.
Helper Applications

Group members can register an external application with Working Papers or modify the properties of an existing helper application to add externally created documents to the Working Papers file.

Font Settings Group members can edit the font settings for specific program areas and for automatic documents.
Set Analytical Review Group members can enter criteria for performing an analytical review.
Customize Group members can customize the user interface (menus, tabs, toolbars, and Status bar).
Maintenance - Undo Sign/Check Out Group members can undo a sign out or check out of a document.
Maintenance - Delete milestones Group members can delete milestones in the client file.
Maintenance - Abandon Synchronized Copies Group members can abandon synchronized copies of the client file.

Tools: Options

Command Description
Roles Group members can set defaults for the roles performed by users of a client file.
Document Group members can set default preferences for printouts of all automatic documents created by Working Papers.
Lists: Journals Group members can set and edit preferences for entry journals used throughout the client file in.
Lists: Tax Codes Group members can set and edit preferences for tax codes used throughout the client file.
Lists: Units Group members can edit preferences for units of measure used throughout the client file.
Lists: Custom Balances Group members can create custom balances in the trial balance.
Languages / Currency Group members can specify the languages and currencies for account, map, group, and document descriptions and switch between them.
Advanced Group members can set preferences for advanced features.
Layout Group members can set the layout template for the client file.

CaseView access levels

Specify the CaseView access level for the current group. Your access level determines what modifications you can make to CaseView documents.

Note: In CaseView, you can assign the access levels for various functions by clicking Document Settings | Document Security.

Option Description
CaseView Access Level 1-10

If you are using Edit Mode, an access level of 10 provides the most permissions while an access level of 1 provides the least permissions.

If you are not using Edit Mode, selecting access levels 1 through 10 provide equal permissions.

The default access level is 3.

No Access Rights If a group has no access rights, users cannot make any modifications to CaseView documents.
Default Wording Returns the names of access levels to the default names (CaseView Access Level 1-10).
Define Wording Click to define wording for CaseView access levels.
Default Click to return to the default CaseView access level of 3.


Specify which users to include in the group. Use Select All to include all users, or Deselect All to remove all users from the group.