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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > Engagement Management > File Preparation > ProSystem fx Engagement
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Importing from ProSystem fx Engagement (6.0 and Below) and ePaceMANAGEMENT 3.0 or later

The instructions in this topic are for importing from ProSystem fx Engagement (6.0 and below) and ePaceMANAGEMENT 3.0 or later into CaseWare Working Papers. If you are importing from ePaceENGAGEMENT 2.5, see Importing from ePaceENGAGEMENT.

Important: For versions of ProSystem fx Engagement 6.1 and above, see the help topic here.

Note: ProSystem fx Engagement 6.0 and above are installed with the option of also installing either SQL Server 2005, 2008, and 2012.

  • If Protection is activated, the File permission "Import" is required to perform this operation.

Before importing into Working Papers, read through the prerequisites here.

  1. Open the client file in which you want to import.

  2. From the Engagement tab, select Import | Working Paper Software.

  3. In the Convert From field, select ProSystem fx Engagement or ePaceENGAGEMENT.
  4. In the Version field, select the version of software from which you are importing.

    Note: Click here to see all Working Paper Software supported versions.

  5. In the Convert Path field, select the exact path to the local folder where you placed the copies of the Staff ID and Binder ID files described in the file requirements. Use Browse to locate the files manually.

    The data file path must contain the Staff ID and the Binder ID, so it will be in the format LocalFolder\%StaffID%\%BinderID%\.

  6. To import client information, click Import Client Information. This information will be displayed in the Engagement Properties dialog.

  7. Complete the remaining fields of the dialog. >>Quick Reference
  8. Click OK to begin importing.

    If you receive an error message about an operating system error, please check the SQL instance property. Start the Configuration Manager, then right-click to access the properties of the instance you are using. In the Log On tab, specify Local System as the Built-in account.

Note: If there is more than one grouping in the ProSystem fx file, a new dialog appears. Select the Leadsheet and Tax Code groupings as well as where you would like to import these into Work Papers.

The information from the ProSystem fx Engagement files will be imported into the Working Papers client file.

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