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Compare Section Action

Event Function: CompareLibraryEntry

The Compare Section action compares specified data within the open document to a selected section in another document. When comparing a Knowledge Library, the section is populated with numbers from the actual client file.

Using the Events tab

Under Enter Example

Run Skip Condition

If desired, enter skip conditions for the event. When the "Run Skip Condition" is evaluated to be true, the action is not performed.

File Name

Full name of the second document

"c:\Program Files\Caseware\data\simple\simplefs.cvw"

Section Label

Common label of the sections to compare


Comparison Type

A selection for the comparison type

"Prior Year Document"

Ignore Hidden

A yes or no decision to ignore hidden sections during the comparison


Syntax (if entering it in the Equation bar)

ACTION("CompareLibraryEntry", expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4)


expr1 = entry under File Name

expr2 = entry under Section Label

expr3 = entry under Comparison Type

expr4 = entry under Ignore Hidden

How the example will appear in the Equation bar

ACTION("CompareLibraryEntry", "c:\Program Files\Caseware\data\simple\simplefs.cvw", "CurrAssets", "Prior Year Document", "No")

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