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Link Cell Action

Event Function: Link Cell

The Link cell action allows the user to link a cell to an existing labeled cell by providing a popup display of available cells. It could be used, for example, to navigate through a large document or to access the information from a set of financial statement notes, if the cells in the notes were labeled.

Using the Events tab

Under Enter Example

Run Skip Condition

If desired, enter skip conditions for the event. When the "Run Skip Condition" is evaluated to be true, the action is not performed.

Cell Number

Destination cell



Title for the interface

"Note Link"


Leave blank. This option is intended for internal use/ future expansion.

Label Group

Label group associated with the cell label (as defined in the Cell General settings.) If selected, only cells with the appropriate cell label group display in the dialog.

Note: To display all the cells, regardless of their cell label, leave this option blank. To display only cells without cell labels, enter " ".

Sort by

Select either "Cell Label" or "Cell Value"

"Cell Label"


Select either Descending or Ascending


Close Automatically

Select this option to launch the calculation editor where a case-insensitive value of yes, true, or 1 will cause the linkage window to close after the first link is created. Otherwise the window will remain open until the X is clicked.

Note: Yes or True must be enclosed in double-quotes as in the example. 1 does not require quotes.


Syntax (if entering it in the Equation bar)

ACTION("Link cell",expr2,expr3,expr4,expr5)


expr1 = entry under Cell Number

expr2 = entry under Title

expr3 = entry under Label Group

expr4 = entry under Sort by

expr5 = entry under Order

How the example will appear in the Equation bar

ACTION("Link cell",cellno(),"Note Link","Cell Label","DESCENDING")


  • Using the link function will override the existing contents of the cell, even if those contents are a calculation.

  • In the interface, all the labeled cells are displayed. There are three buttons in the top row (the UpLink button, the CellLabel button, and the CellValue button). The CellLabel and CellValue buttons servers as indicators for the underneath columns. They also provide a sorting functionality when they are clicked. The button with a triangle (upward/downward) on indicates the current sorted field (Ascending/Descending). The UpLink button (the top left most one in the interface) is used for user to jump to the destination cell in the text window.

    Users can jump to a labeled cell in the text window by clicking the label field of the labeled cell in the interface.

  • The minimal number of the parameters required for this event is one ("Cell Number:").

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