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Execute Helper Application Action

Event Function: Helper

The Execute Helper Application action opens an external application. Use the additional arguments to open a document within the application.

Using the Events tab

Under Enter Example

Run Skip Condition

If desired, enter skip conditions for the event. When the "Run Skip Condition" is evaluated to be true, the action is not performed.

Helper Name

Full path to the executable or if on path, executable name


Argument 1

Optional argument to the executable

"c:\my documents\abc.doc"

Argument 2

Optional argument to the executable

Argument 3

Optional argument to the executable

Syntax (if entering it in the Equation bar)

ACTION("Helper", expr1 <,expr2> <,expr3> <, expr4>)


expr1 = entry under Helper Name

expr2 = entry under Argument 1

expr3 = entry under Argument 2

expr4 = entry under Argument 3

How the example will appear in the Equation bar

ACTION("Helper", "spreadsheet.xls")

In Windows, this action automatically launches Microsoft Excel and opens the spreadsheet worksheet.

Example 2

ACTION("Helper", "c:\winword\winword.exe", "c:\my documents\abc.doc")

In any other operating system, it is necessary to specify the full path to the program executable in addition to the path and document name. This action automatically launches Microsoft Word and opens the abc document.


  • When linking to PDF document in CaseView, the filename of the PDF document cannot have any spaces. For instance, if a file called "abcd.pdf" on the root of C drive is renamed to "ab cd.pdf," the link will no longer function.

    To resolve this issue: Add a double quotation if a file name has space—the first parameter needs to be explicitly enclosed with double quotes in the calculation. For example if the pdf file name is "ab cd.pdf" the solution is ACTION ("Helper", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe", '"C:\ab cd.pdf"').


  • When using the CLNTDIR() function to launch a document using the Helper Application event, a problem occurs when the file path of the client file contains any spaces. For example, if the client file to be called is located in the following file path "c:\Program Files\Caseware\data\Samp00\abc.doc" and you want the event to open a Word document called "steering.doc" in the same folder, the argument 1 line looks like this:


Word returns an error message about an invalid path name when the event is triggered because "program files" contains a space. To overcome this problem, modify the syntax of the expression by placing quotes around the path parameters and a + sign in front of the function. The correct argument 1 line would read:

''+CLNTDIR() + 'steering.doc"'

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