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Insert Column Action

Event Function: InsertColumn

The Insert Column action inserts one or more columns into a table at the specified point.

Using the Events tab

Under Enter Example

Run Skip Condition

If desired, enter skip conditions for the event. When the "Run Skip Condition" is evaluated to be true, the action is not performed.


Table label


Insert at Column

Insert at column position (Starting at 1)


Column Type

Specify the type of column (general, numeric cell, etc.)


Copy From Column

Table column to copy from (Starting at 1)

Used when Column type specified is "Copy of Current Column"

Number of Columns to Insert

Specify if more than 1 column is to be inserted


Before/ After

Select whether to insert before or after column specified in "Insert at Column".


Syntax (if entering it in the Equation bar)

ACTION("InsertColumn", expr1,expr2,expr3,expr4,exp5,exp6)


expr1 = entry under Table

expr2 = entry under Insert at column

expr3 = Column type

expr4 = Copy from Column

expr5 = Number of Columns to insert

expr6 = Before/ After

How the example will appear in the Equation bar

ACTION("InsertColumn", "ABC", 2, "GENERAL" ,1, 2, "AFTER")

Copies the first column of Table ABC, including the cells, and two copies of it as the third and fourth column in the table. The cells in the table will be appropriately renumbered.


  • If you rename a table, none of the related events (sort, insert, delete column) for that table gets an updated name. However, you can use the celltable() function to create a reference to the table. If the event is within a table, you can use celltable() to get the table label automatically. If the event is outside of the table, you can use celltable(abc.a1), where abc.a1 is a cell number, to get the table label.

    This function always returns the table label even when table abc is renumbered.

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