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Update All Knowledge Library Links Action

Event Function: LinkLibraryEntries

The Update All Knowledge Library Links action updates all links to knowledge libraries in the same way the recalculate command invokes all cell contents to be recalculated.

Using the Events tab

Under Enter Example

Run Skip Condition

If desired, enter skip conditions for the event. When the "Run Skip Condition" is evaluated to be true, the action is not performed.

Suppress compare

Select a Yes or No. If suppressing compare, knowledge library links update automatically without showing the Compare dialog and without allowing the user to choose whether to accept the change or not.


Visual Merge

Select Yes or No. Select Yes to display the Visual >Merge pane after updating. This pane shows the updated and the original text for the section for comparison purposes.


Syntax (if entering it in the Equation bar)

ACTION("LinkLibraryEntries", expr1, expr2)


expr1 = entry under Suppress compare

expr2 = Visual Merge

How the example will appear in the Equation bar

ACTION("LinkLibraryEntries", "No", "Yes")

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