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Event Functions List Action

Cells may be created which can respond to a user's input with a predefined action event. Use the Events tab in the Cell dialog to assign actions to cells in a CaseView document. Following is a listing of the action events available for use. Click on an Action to find more information including syntax layout and examples.

Action Description

Activate Working Papers

Makes Working Papers/Time the active program.

Add Form in CaseView Database

Adds a form to the CaseView Database

Add Group in CaseView Database

Adds a group to the CaseView database


Opens the Annotation dialog from wherever the cursor is positioned in the main body.

CaseView Menu

Launches certain CaseView commands.

Calculation Explorer

Launches the Calculation Explorer dialog to explore a given calculation's balance, or that of a referenced cell.

Change Document Mode

Changes the mode of the document to specified mode.

Close All Database Browses

Closes all active database browse.

Close Any CV Document

Closes a specified CaseView document, regardless of the current client file. Select this action to enable the Save File option.

Close CaseView

Closes CaseView

Close Client CV Document

Closes a specified CaseView document in the current client file. Select this action to enable the Save File option.

Close Database Browse

Closes the specified database browse.

Compare Document

Compares specified data within the open document to that in another selected document.

Compare Section

Compares specified data within the open document to a selected section in another document.

Delete Column

Deletes the specified column(s) from an existing table.

Delete Form in CaseView Database

Deletes an existing form in the CaseView Database.

Delete Group in CaseView Database

Deletes an existing group in the CaseView Database

Delete Row

Deletes the specified row(s) from an existing table.

Enable Rounding

Enables or disables rounding.

Execute Helper Application

Opens another application. Use the additional arguments to open a document within the application.

Execute Script

Runs the script which has been added or edited.

Execute URL

Displays a site on the world wide web.

Import Filed Cell Data

Imports data contained in an external file into a specified cell.

Input Integer Dialog

Allows user to pick a number from a control.

Input String Dialog

Allows user to input a string into a cell when run.

Insert Column

Inserts one or more columns into an existing table at a specified place.

Insert Knowledge Link from List

Inserts an existing link to a Knowledge Library at the selected point.

Insert Link from Knowledge Library Index

Inserts a new link to a selected knowledge library index.

Insert New Knowledge Library Link

Creates a new link to a selected Knowledge Library.

Insert Row

Inserts one or more rows into an existing table at a specified place.

Insert Section

Inserts Auto Copy text at a specified point.

Jump to Bookmark

Jumps to a bookmark.

Jump to Labeled Section

Jumps to the labeled section of a selected CaseView document.

Label Browse

Assigns a label to a selected Browse.

Launch Bookmark Dialog

Opens the GoTo bookmark dialog.

Launch CaseView Document by Code

Opens a CaseView document created for the same client file.

Launch CaseView Document by File

Opens a CaseView document specifying the client file.

Launch CaseView Form by Code

Opens a CaseView document in a different client file.

Launch Caseware Dialog

Launches a Working Papers/Time dialog (mapping, assign mapping, or document properties for the current CaseView document).

Launch Caseware Document

Launches a selected Working Papers/Time automatic document.

Launch Cell Group Dialog

Launches the Cell Group dialog.

Launch Database Browse

Launches a selected database browse file.

Launch HTML Dialog

Launches a user defined HTML dialog.

Launch Issues Pane

Launches the issues pane.

Launch Knowledge Library Index

Launches the Knowledge Library Index.

Launch Message Box

Launches a Message Box with a defined message and choice of buttons.

Launch Note Number Style Dialog

Calls the Note Number Style dialog box in the Form Mode (with or without editing enabled).

Launch Rounding dialog Launches the Rounding dialog.

Launch Style Dialog

Launches the Style sheet dialog in Form Mode.

This dialog is usually only accessible in Design Mode, through Format/ Style sheet.

Launch XBRL Financial Statement Dialog

Opens the XBRL for Financial Statements dialog in Form Mode. This dialog is usually only accessible in Design Mode, on the Tools tab.

Link Cell

Links a destination cell to a labeled cell.

Load Cell Group File

Loads a cell group file into the current document.

Load Cell Groups by Name

Loads individual cell groups into the current document.

Load Note Number Style Sheet

Attaches a Note Number style sheet to the current document.

Load Style Sheets

Attaches a style sheet to the current document.

Load Styles by Name

Loads individual styles into the current document.

Merge Browses

Adds a browse to the existing document.

Modify Browse

Edits the arguments of a selected browse.

Modify Browse Filter

Changes the arguments of a selected browse filter.

Move to Performance Measures Publishes the values of a tagged cell to the performance measures database

Pick File Dialog

Launches the standard Windows File Open or Save dialog.

Pick Path Dialog

Launches the standard Windows folder selection dialog for you to find a file path.


Activates the recalculation function in the current document.

Refresh CaseView Document by Code

Refreshes the selected document.

Remove Change Flags

Removes the red squiggly line denoting a cell value that has changed.

Remove Custom Property

Deletes a custom property

Remove Knowledge Library Link

Deletes a link from the client document to a specified Knowledge Library.

Round To

Rounds figures in the document to ones, thousands, or millions of currencies.

Save Document

Saves the current document.

Save Milestone

Saves a milestone snapshot of the current CaseView document.

Set Cell Calculation

Enters a specified calculation in a selected cell.

Set Cell Value

Enters a specified value in a selected cell.

Set Current Form

Sets the current form for the document.

Set Custom Property

Sets a custom property where you specify.

Set Form Filter

Filters for a form in the CaseView database.

Show Ruler

Turns the ruler on and off.

Shuffle Table Columns

Reorders columns in a table.

Sort Paragraphs

Sorts paragraphs in the document.

Sort Sections

Sorts sections in the document.

Sort Table Group

Sorts table rows based on their defined table groups.

Sort Table Rows

Allows the rows in a specified table to be sorted by the method indicated.

Update a Knowledge Library Link

Updates a selected link to a Knowledge Library.

Update all Knowledge Library Links

Updates all Knowledge Library Links in the current document.

Visual Compare to Knowledge Library

Launches the Visual Compare dialog and compares the current document to the knowledge library associated with the document.