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Views and toolbars

You can personalize the Working Papers interface by choosing which views and toolbars to display. To display or hide a view or toolbar, on the ribbon, click View | Show.

Views are separate panes in the Working Papers interface dedicated to displaying specific content.

  • Graphs

    The Graphs view displays a graphical overview of the data in your automatic documents. See Display graphs for more information.

  • User List

    The User List view displays the names of other users in the current file.

Toolbars are menus that provide quick access to content-based functions.

Status bar

The Status bar displays information about the current file at the bottom of the Working Papers window.

Option Description
Message Pane Displays the File Name of the current engagement and the Operating Name entered on the Engagement Properties dialog.
User name

Displays the Full Name entered on the User Identification dialog.

Number of users in file

Displays the number of users currently in the file.

Date and Period

Displays the Year End Date, Current Active Period, and Current Period Date Sequence set on the Engagement Properties | Reporting Dates dialog.

Net Income (Loss)

Displays the current net income or loss on the client file.

Lockdown Status

Displays the Lock Down icon (A padlock icon that represents the Lock Down status in the Working Papers Status bar) if the file has been locked down.

Template update status

Displays the Template icon (A template icon in the Working Papers Status bar with options related to the file's source template) if the file is using a template. Clicking on the icon provides the following options:

  • File Version: View engagement file version and source template information.
  • Check for Updates: Check for available updates for the template.
Data Store status

Displays the data store folder icon (A file folder icon that represents the data store status in the Working Papers Status bar). Clicking on the icon provides the following options:

  • Properties: Displays the properties of the data store such as Tracker settings and data store information.
  • Refresh Now: Forces the personal data store and data store to synchronize. The data store icon will change to the synchronization icon for a short period of time and then change back. If not connected to a data store, this icon will be grayed out.
  • Connect/Disconnect: When connected to a data store that is online, selecting Disconnect will take the data store offline. If connected to a data store that is offline, selecting Connect will take the data store online. The online/offline state of the data store will be preserved when you exit and re-open Working Papers. If no data store exists, this option will be grayed out.
Caps Lock

Displays CAPS to indicate that Caps Lock is currently on.

Num Lock

Displays NUM to indicate that Number Lock is currently on.

Scroll Lock

Displays SCRL to indicate that Scroll Lock is currently on.

SmartSync Status

Displays the current SmartSync status. Clicking on the arrow provides the following options:

  • Properties: Opens the Synchronization Properties.
  • Show Conflicts: Opens the Synchronization Conflicts dialog.
  • Synchronize All Documents: - Sends all the latest changes to the parent file.
  • Parent location: Displays the location of the parent sync file.
  • Connect to SmartSync Copy: Opens the Locate Another SmartSync Copy dialog, allowing you to specify the location of the parent file.
  • Work Offline: Select to disconnect from the parent file. Clear to reconnect to the parent file.
Window resize

Click and drag to resize the Working Papers window.

Filter Header toolbar

The Filter Header toolbar provides filter controls and a visual indication of any filter currently applied to the Document Manager. Apply filters to documents in the Document Manager on the Filter Header, which is added to the top of the Document Manager.

The applied filter is indicated in the top left corner of the header bar. Clicking on the arrow by the indicator opens a filter drop-down menu. The filter drop-down menu list is the same as the menu available from View | Filter by.

Navigation toolbar

The Navigation toolbar permits you to jump to the Working Trial Balance, Adjusting Entries worksheet, Other Entries worksheet, Issues pane, and open your Cloud site.

Option Description

Opens the Document Manager.


Opens the Issues pane.

Trial Balance

Opens the Trial Balance.

Adj. Entries

Opens the Adjusting Entries worksheet.

Other Entries

Opens the Other Entries worksheet.


Opens the Cloud site with the Working Papers embedded browser.

Browser toolbar

The Browser toolbar provides an easy way to navigate, access, and control documents on the Document Manager.

Option Description
Go To arrow The Go To dialog enables a user to quickly access a document or an area of the program.

Back and forward arrows

Navigate backward or forward through the web pages you've visited in a session.

Note: The Forward and Back buttons do not work within the drilldowns in the Working Trial Balance.


Stops the current navigation process.


Refreshes the page you are currently viewing.


Returns the user to the home page as set as the default on the workstation, viewed in Control Panel | Internet Options.

Address Bar

Enter the address to jump to an area of the program or a document.

A browsing history is available in a drop-down list on the browser toolbar.

Any document can be opened by typing CW: followed by the document number. This also works for any helper application document attached to the Document Manager.

Typing a website URL in the browser bar opens up that website with the Working Papers embedded browser.

Note: Restricted characters in the URL (? / \ :) are replaced with a ! followed by the ASCII code for the character in the browser bar. Document addresses containing these characters cannot be typed directly into the address bar. The character * cannot be handled by the address bar.

Context toolbar

The Context toolbar permits you to set the current period date sequence by selecting from the drop-down list of available periods.

For consolidated files it also allows you to set the current entity to be analyzed.

In a client file with multiple languages specified under Tools | Options | Languages, a pulldown will appear allowing you to switch between languages.

Option Description
Consolidated file selection

Set the consolidated file selection from the drop-down list.

Current period date sequence

Set the current period date sequence from the drop-down list of available periods.

Language selection

Switches between languages.

Template toolbar

The Template toolbar provides you with quick access to Template related commands.

The commands available may vary depending on the template accessed. Template authors can select which commands are available to template users and add new commands by customizing the Template toolbar.