Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Setup > Interface > Ribbon


The primary method to navigate the Working Papers interface is by utilizing the ribbon. You'll find the ribbon located across the top of Working Papers, categorized by tabs. Each tab lists the relevant features and functions you to can use throughout your engagement.

The Working Papers ribbon options: file, home, view, engagement, document, account, SmartSync or Cloud and Tools

File tab

You can manage your Working Papers files from the File tab.

Option Description

Create a new file.


Open an existing file.

Sign In/Out Select a file to sign in or out (File cannot be open).

Close an open file (File must be open).

Copy Components

Create a new file or modify an existing file using the components of a template or another file.


Launch Tracker.

Rename File Change the name of an existing file (File cannot be open).
Save Compressed

Save the current file in a compressed format.

Templates Open a list of available file templates (File cannot be open).
Back Up

Create a compressed back up copy of the current Working Papers file (File must be open).

Protection Setup Open the Users and Groups dialog to modify protection settings for your files (File cannot be open).
Licensing Open the About Licensing dialog to register your copy of Working Papers.
Revoke License Open the License Revocation Wizard to revoke the current software license. After revoking a license, you can use it to register a different copy of Working Papers.

View Working Papers help topics, the Caseware website, access technical support, or generate a system information report.


Open the Working Papers Options dialog.


Close Working Papers.

Home tab

You can modify content from the Home tab. The options in this tab change depending on your current active window.

Option Description

Paste the clipboard content to the insertion point. You can also paste by pressing Ctrl+V on your keyboard.


Cut the selected text, line, or data to the Clipboard. You can also cut by pressing Ctrl+X on your keyboard.


Copy the selected text, line, or data to the Clipboard. You can also copy by pressing Ctrl+C on your keyboard.

Delete Delete the selected text, line, or data.

Open the Properties dialog for the selected document.

Insert Line

Add a line to your current window at the insertion point.

Delete Line

Delete the selected line(s). You can also delete a line by pressing Ctrl+D on your keyboard.


Open the Find dialog.


Open the Replace dialog.


Select a whole line in the window. You can also select a line by pressing Ctrl+L on your keyboard.


Open the Tags dialog.

Document Issue

Open the New Issue dialog to create a new issue for the current document.

Line Issue

Open the New Issue dialog to create an issue for the current line.

Shuffle Up

Move the selected line(s) up one position. You can also move the line by pressing Ctrl+↑ on your keyboard.

Shuffle Down

Move the selected line(s) down one position. You can also move the line by pressing Ctrl+↓ on your keyboard.

From Library

Open the Document Library to add a document at the insertion point in the Document Manager.

Folder Open the New Folder dialog to create a new folder at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
Automatic Document Open the New Automatic Document dialog to create a new automatic document at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
CaseView Open the New CaseView Document dialog to create a new CaseView document at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
Manual Open the New Manual Document Reference dialog to create a new manual document reference at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
Link Open the New Document Link dialog to create a new document link at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
Placeholder Open the New Placeholder dialog to create a new placeholder document at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
Word Open the New Document Link dialog to create a new Word document link at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
Excel Open the New Document Link dialog to create a new Excel document link at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
PPC Open the Add PPC Content dialog to add PPC content at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
IDEA SmartAnalyzer

Launch IDEA SmartAnalyzer.

Note: Requires IDEA version 12.1 or later.

Launch IDEA project

Launch a project in IDEA.

Note: Requires IDEA version 12.1 or later.

Commentary Add a comment to the current line in an automatic document.

Enable or disable global annotations. When enabled, all new annotations will be global annotations.


Open the Line Annotation dialog to create or edit document references, annotation notes, and tickmarks.


Open the Total Annotation dialog to create or edit document references, annotation notes, and tickmarks.

New Note

Open the New Note dialog to create a new note for the selected account.

New Tickmark

Open the New Tickmark dialog to attach a new tickmark to the selected account.

New Reference

Open the New Reference dialog to add a new document reference to the selected account.

New Manual Reference

Open the New Manual Reference dialog to add a new manual reference to the selected account.

New Hyperlink Reference

Open the Hyperlink Reference dialog to add a new hyperlink reference to the selected account.

New Highlight Enable to highlight an area in a document (Requires the internal image viewer).
New Line Issue

Open the New Issue dialog to create a new issue for the current line.

View tab

You can update the layout of the Working Papers window from the View tab.

Option Description

Open a list of views to display.


Folds or unfolds the browse window. When the document is folded, columns to the left of the fold line will continue to be displayed if you scroll right.

Set Fold Line

Set the fold line to the right of the current column. The fold line is displayed as a line of dashes.

Reorder Columns

Open the Reorder Table Columns dialog, allowing the customization of the automatic document or table.

Rename Columns

Open the Rename Columns dialog, allowing you to set different display names for columns of the automatic document or table.

Restore Columns

Restore columns to their default state.


Open a sub-menu with the following options:

  • None: Do not freeze a header.
  • Column Header: Freeze the column header row in automatic documents.
  • Full Header: Freeze the full document header in automatic documents.

Enable or disable the Auto-Compare feature.

Notes/All Notes

Open the Note Viewer dialog, displaying all notes for the current document.

Note: To enable the All Notes button, open a document that allows notes and close or minimize the Note Viewer dialog.

Graphs Open the Graphs view to see a graphical overview of the data in the current document.
Filter by

Open a sub-menu to display the available default filters. You can update or add new filters from this menu.

Zoom control

Enlarge or reduce the size of a document as it appears on the screen.

Year-to-date Balances

Toggle between period and year-to-date balances.

Docking View

Dock the current document.


Close the document you are currently viewing.

Close All

Close all open documents.

Save Layout

Save the current window and document layout.


Resize and layer the open windows so that the title bar is visible.

Tile Horizontally

Resize and arrange all the open windows from top to bottom in the Working Papers window.

Tile Vertically

Resize and arrange all the open windows side by side in the Working Papers window.

Page control

Navigate through files viewed in the internal image viewer. Enter a page number to view a specific page, or click an arrow icon to view the next or prior page.

Rotate Click a rotation icon to rotate the page in the direction specified.

Engagement tab

You can import, export, consolidate, and manage the engagement file from the Engagement tab.

Option Description
Engagement Properties

Open the Engagement Properties dialog.


Open the Consolidation dialog.


Open the Engagement History dialog.


Open the Mapping Database.


Open the Groupings Database.


Open the Setup Structures interface.


Open the Tickmarks interface.


Open a sub-menu to import data from an external application.


Open a sub-menu to export data to an external application.

Year End Close

Open the Year End Close and Roll Forward dialog.

Clean Up

Open the Engagement Cleanup Wizard.

Lock Down

Open the Engagement Lockdown Wizard.

Sign Out

Open the Sign Out Wizard.

Sign In

Open the Sign In Wizard.

Check Out

Open the Check Out Document Wizard.

Check In

Open the Check In Document Wizard.

Save As

Open a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Save as Web Page: Create an HTML file of the client file.
  • Save as PDF File: Open the Save as PDF dialog to create a PDF document of the client file.
  • Save as Excel File: Create an Excel file of the client file.
Send To

Open a sub-menu with the following options:

Print Batch

Open the Print Batch dialog to print multiple Working Papers and CaseView documents.

Document tab

You can add, delete, and print documents from the Document tab.

Option Description

Open the Properties dialog for the selected document.

From Library

Inserts a document from the Document Library.


Open a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Folder: Open the New Folder dialog to create a new folder at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
  • Automatic Document: Open the New Automatic Document dialog to create a new automatic document at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
  • CaseView: Open the New CaseView Document dialog to create a new CaseView document at the insertion point on the Document Manager.
  • Manual: Open the New Manual Document Reference dialog to create a new manual document reference at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
  • Link: Open the New Document Link dialog to create a new document link at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
  • Word: Open the New Document Link dialog to create a new Word document link at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
  • Excel: Open the New Document Link dialog to create a new Excel document link at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
  • PPC: Open the Add PPC Content dialog to add PPC content at the insertion point in the Document Manager.
  • Placeholder: Open the New Placeholder dialog to create a new placeholder document at the insertion point in the Document Manager.

Delete the selected document.


Open the Tags dialog.

Check Out/Check In

Check out or check in the documents from the client file for work at remote locations.

Assign Users

Assign a user to the selected document.


Compare multiple documents in the Document Manager.

Comparison Details

Present a detailed comparison of the selected documents.

Save As

Open a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Save Milestone: Save a milestone of the selected document(s).
  • Save as Web Page: Create an HTML file of the selected document(s).
  • Save as PDF File: Open the Save as PDF dialog.
  • Save as Excel File: Create an Excel file of the selected document(s).
Send To

Open a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Mail Recipient (As Attachment): Send the selected documents to an email recipient(s) as an attachment through Microsoft Outlook.
  • Mail Recipient (As PDF Attachment): Send the selected PDFs to an email recipient(s) as an attachment through Microsoft Outlook.
  • Folder: Send the selected documents to the specified folder outside of Caseware Working Papers.
Page Setup

Open the Page Setup dialog for all automatic documents on the Document Manager.

Print Preview

View the document as it will appear when printed.


Prints the currently selected document.

Account tab

You can renumber accounts, assign mappings and groups, and open balances from the Account tab.

Option Description
Trial Balance

Open the Trial Balance.

Adjusting Entries

Open the Adjusting Entries worksheet.

Other Entries

Open the Other Entries worksheet.

Mapping/Grouping Balances

Open the Mapping/Grouping Balances worksheet.


Open the Account Properties dialog.


Open the New Account dialog.


Delete the selected line(s). Pressing CTRL+D on your keyboard also deletes a line.

Assign Mappings

Open the Assign Mapping Numbers dialog.

Assign Groupings

Open the Assign Groupings sub-menu. Click on a group to open the Assign Grouping Numbers dialog for the selected group.

Assign Entities

Open the Assign Entities dialog, allowing you to assign unassigned accounts to an entity.

Renumber Accounts

Renumber the selected account on the Renumber Accounts dialog.

SmartSync tab

You can manage the sync status of client files, resolve sync conflicts, delete sync information, and repair sync files from the SmartSync tab. The options in this tab change depending on the SmartSync status of your current file.

Option Description
Create Sync Copy Creates a synchronized copy of your current file.

Work Offline

Temporarily disconnect the local copy from the parent copy.

Go Online Reconnect an offline local copy to the parent copy.

Publish an unpublished file to a SmartSync Server.

Replace Server Copy Replace the SmartSync Server copy of a file with the current copy.

Open the Synchronization Properties dialog.

Show Versions

Open the Synchronization Versions dialog.

Show Conflicts

Open the Synchronization Conflicts dialog.

Clear Information

Remove all synchronization information from the parent file. Can only be used by opening the parent file.

Delete Copy

Delete the local sync copy.

SmartSync Repair

Open the SmartSync Repair dialog to repair sync errors, including missing or corrupted sync events.

Cloud tab

You can manage the sync status of files located on the Cloud, resolve sync conflicts, repair sync files, view engagement and entity properties, and share cloud security permissions from the Cloud tab. The options in this tab change depending on the SmartSync status of your current file.

Option Description

Work Offline

Temporarily disconnect the local copy from the parent copy.

Go Online Reconnect an offline local copy to the parent copy.

Publish an unpublished file to Cloud.

Replace Server Copy Replace the Cloud copy of a file with the current copy.

Open the Synchronization Properties dialog.

Show Versions

Open the Synchronization Versions dialog.

Show Conflicts

Open the Synchronization Conflicts dialog.

Clear Information

Remove all synchronization information from the parent file. Can only be used by opening the parent file.

Delete Copy

Delete the local sync copy.

SmartSync Repair

Open the SmartSync Repair dialog to repair sync errors, including missing or corrupted sync events.


Opens the Engagements app in Caseware Cloud on the embedded browser. The app displays information about the entity, general details about the engagement, assigned people, discussions, tasks, history, and a summary of SmartSync copies.


Opens the Entities app in Caseware Cloud on the embedded browser. The app displays general information, discussions, and files on the entity.


Opens the Files app in Caseware Cloud on the embedded browser. The app is a secure document repository for managing and accessing your files.

Share Opens the Share app in Caseware Cloud on the embedded browser. Use this app to share the current Cloud-integrated file with different Cloud user groups.
Open (Queries) Opens the Queries app in Working Papers. If the current Working Papers file has not been linked to a Queries file, you can click this option to create a new file, or integrate with an existing one.
Status (Queries) Displays the current status of queries in the linked Queries file.
Receive (Queries)

Receive updated documents from the Queries file and add them to the Document Manager.

The updated documents will be placed in a new folder unless assigned to a specific location using Author IDs. For more information on assigning Author IDs, see Add Author IDs.

Unlink (Queries)

Removes the link between the Working Papers file and the linked Queries file. You must be working online to unlink a Queries file.

After you unlink the Queries file, you can create a new one, or link to an existing Queries file.

Open (AnalyticsAI) Opens the AnalyticsAI app in Working Papers. If the current Working Papers file has not been linked to an AnalyticsAI file, you can click this option to create a new file, or integrate with an existing one.
Upload (AnalyticsAI) Upload trial balance data from the current file to the linked AnalyticsAI file. If the uploaded data cannot automatically map all trial balance accounts, you can use a mapping file to complete the process or manually map the remaining accounts in AnalyticsAI.
Unlink (AnalyticsAI)

Removes the link between the Working Papers file and the linked AnalyticsAI file. You must be working online to unlink an AnalyticsAI file.

After you unlink the AnalyticsAI file, you can create a new one, or link to an existing AnalyticsAI file.

Tools tab

You can repair, maintain, customize, and set up protection for client files from the Tools tab.

Option Description
Repair File

Open the Repair File dialog to carry out maintenance that returns Working Papers to optimal performance.


Open the Maintenance Wizard to remove all unused accounts, undo sign outs, and undo check outs.


Run tests on the client file via the Diagnostics dialog to identify incomplete areas or instances of conflicting information in your engagement files.

Recalculate AJEs

Recalculate all adjusting entries.


Open the Templates dialog.

Map XBRL Taxonomy

Assign an XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) taxonomy to the mapping structure.

Helper Applications

Open the Setup Helper Applications dialog to register an external application with Working Papers or to modify the properties of an existing helper application.


Open the Customize dialog to customize the information displayed on menus, tool bars, dialogs, and the Status bar.

Font Settings

Open the Font Settings dialog to customize document fonts.

Change Identity

Change the identity currently logged in to the file.


Open the sub-menu with the following options:

  • Protection Setup: Open the Protection Setup dialog to allow you to enter employee information and create or modify user groups with access rights to areas of the client file.
  • Turn Protection On/Off: Activate or deactivate security features of Working Papers.
  • Lock/Unlock Client File: Lock the current client file against changes or reopen a locked client file.
  • Who Am I?: Displays information about your current user identification number, name, position at the firm, and any groups to which you are assigned.
  • Change Password: Changes the password for the current user

Open the Spell Checker dialog.


Open the sub-menu with the following options:

  • License information: Open the About Licensing dialog to register your copy of Working Papers.
  • Revoke License: Open the License Revocation Wizard to revoke the current software license. After revoking a license, you can use it to register a different copy of Working Papers.
  • Check License: Check for a renewed license if your current license is close to expiration.

Open the Options dialog to modify your Working Papers installation.