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-- Reference --

Risk Report Menus

Document Menu

Item Description


Generate a risk report based on the selected filters, view and layout

Save View

Save the view.

Delete View

Delete a view previously saved.

New Risk

Open the New Risk dialog to document risks identified throughout the audit. This menu item is available only if the firm author has enabled the creation of new risks.

Edit Risk

Edit an existing risk. Cursor must be on the risk factor that you want to edit to use this menu. This menu item is available only if the firm author has enabled the creation of new risks.

Delete Risk

Delete an existing risk. Cursor must be on the risk factor that you want to delete to use this menu. This menu item is available only if the firm author has enabled the creation of new risks.

New Control

Open the New control dialog to document controls identified throughout the audit. This menu item is available only if the firm author has enabled the creation of new controls.

New Reportable Item

Open the New reportable item dialog to document reportable items identified throughout the audit. This menu item is available only if the firm author has enabled the creation of new reportable items.

Apply Document Prerequisites

If selected, will implement the document prerequisites specified by the firm. This option is selected by default.

Options Menu

Item Description

Content Library Path

Define the path where the content library is located.

Display Completion Details

Display completion details at the top of the document.

Display Custom Introduction and Conclusion Display a custom introduction and conclusion area provided by the content author.

Display Document Guidance

Display detailed instructions provided by the author that describe how to complete the risk report.

Display Interactive Guidance

Display instructions that indicate the next step to take when working with this risk report. These instructions appear at the top of the report in a status bar located just below the function buttons. This menu item is enabled only if instructions exist for the current status.

Print Firm Name in Footer

Prints firm name in the footer as defined in the firm settings. See Firm Information.

Print Firm Logo in Footer

Prints firm logo in the footer as defined in the firm settings. See Firm Information.

Print Current Date/Time in Footer

Print the current date and time in the footer of each page of the document. The date and time format are as set in your Windows regional settings.

Print Client Path in Footer

Print the client path in the footer of each page of the document.

Highlight External Cells

Highlight all externally linked cells in the document in red.

For the firm author, a report is opened in your web browser that displays each externally linked cell, along with the group, form, and ID of the CaseView database entry to which the cell is linked. This enables the firm author to easily track values that are written to the database and retained on an update or year-end close.

Reapply Styles

Change the document fonts to the character set in use on your computer. This makes it possible to type information in both English and one other language that uses non-Western characters.

Report Menu

Item Description

Edit Risk

Edit the risk the cursor is currently on.

Delete Risk

Delete a risk the cursor is currently on.

Show by Date Identified

Actual date risk identified is displayed.

Show by Aged Date

Risks are grouped by aging dateshown with indicators instead of actual date, newest risk appearing more prominent than the older risks. (today, last 7 days, last 30 days, in current year, carried forward). The symbols represent different aged dates by colour and shape and ).


Select the layout of the risk report from the options:

  • Default View

  • Default View (Less Details)

  • Risks Only

  • FSAs Only

  • Grouped by Assertions

  • Grouped by Business Cycles

  • Grouped by Categories

Date Identified / Aged Date

Risks are shown by the actual date identified, or aging date (today, last 7 days, last 30 days, in current year, carried forward) depending on which you have selected in Dates menu. The symbols represent different aged dates by colour and shape (e.g. and )

Risk Description

Show / hide “Risk Description” column in the risk report.

What Can Go Wrong

Show / hide "What Can Go Wrong" column in the risk report.


Show/hide "Assertions" columns in the risk report. This area may be one column for assertions, or 3 columns for assertions by statement type, depending on the choice made by the firm author in AO – General Options.

Likelihood to occur

Show / hide "Likelihood to Occur" column in the risk report.

Monetary Impact

Show / hide "Monetary Impact" column in the risk report.

Combined Score

Show / hide "Combined Score" column in the risk report.

Inherent Risk

Show / hide "Inherent Risk" column in the risk report.

Significant Risk

Show / hide "Significant Risk" column in the risk report.

Management Response

Show / hide "Management Response" column in the risk report.

Controls exist to mitigate the risk

Show / hide "Controls Exist to Mitigate the Risk" column in the risk report.

Control Risk / Management Response

Show / hide "Management Response" column in the risk report.

Residual Risk

Show / hide "Residual Risk" column in the risk report This option is hidden by default. To show this option, you will need to enable Residual Risk in the master AO- General Options | General Risk Options dialog.


Show / hide "RMM" column in the risk report.

Potential RMM

Show / hide "Potential RMM" column in the risk report. This option is hidden by default. To show this option, you will need to enable Potential RIMM in the master AO- General Options | General Risk Options dialog.

Procedures other than Substantive

Show / hide "Procedures other than Substantive" column in the risk report.

Audit Response

Show / hide "Audit Response" column in the risk report.

Source/ Reference

Show / hide "Source/Reference" in the risk report.

Addressed/ Reference

Show / hide the reference of where the audit work is performed to address the specific risk.

Audit has properly addressed this risk

Show / hide "Audit has properly addressed this risk" column in the risk report.


Sort the individual risks within the report.

  • Manual

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Note – for ascending and descending, the sorting will be based on the location of your cursor. For example, if your cursor is on date identified, it will sort by date identified in ascending or descending order. If layout used has risks grouped, such as grouped by assertions, the sorting of the risks will be within the groups.

Reset Column Width

Reset column width to the report back to default settings. Columns can be adjusted by turning on the ruler through Show Ruler button, place the cursor on the table heading and using the ruler at the top to adjust the width of each column.


  • Some menu options may change depending on whether Show by Date Identified or Show by aged date are selected or not.
  • Some menu option wording may differ if the firm author has changed the name in AO – General Options.
  • Some menu options may not appear if the options were turned off by the firm author in AO – General Options.

This online help system applies to all CaseWare Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.