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Caseware Batch Tool

The Caseware Batch Tool applies functional template updates and default content updates to client files that use the Caseware Audit or Caseware Financials template. Firm administrators can use this tool to ensure that all files are updated to the latest installed version of the template.


  • Content updates are unique to client situations and engagement teams should continue to manage them on a client-by-client basis.
  • Previous versions of the Batch Tool (Silent Update Wizard) will create sync conflicts if used with SmartSync files. We recommend updating to the most recent Batch Tool and Working Papers 2022 if you are utilizing SmartSync functionality.
  • If you need to update a Caseware Cloud file, ensure there are no active child copies. Download the file to your workstation, then run the Batch Tool. After the update, synchronize the changes with Cloud.
  • If you need to update a Smart Sync Server file, ensure there is only one active child copy. We recommend that you run the Batch Tool on the child copy and the changes will synchronize with the parent after the update.

What’s new

The following describes the features included in the latest version of the Caseware Batch Tool.

  • Modernized the interface to provide users with a more intuitive workflow.
  • Redesigned task logging and reports.
  • Added options to automatically fix some common issues in the health check task.
  • Added support for SmartSync files (Working Papers 2022 required). Users can now update sync files in the Batch Tool without encountering sync conflicts.


To obtain the Caseware Batch Tool installation file (setup.exe), contact your local distributor.

To install the Batch Tool:

  1. Double-click setup.exe.
  2. In the Setup - Caseware Batch Tool dialog, click Browse.... Select the folder where you want to install the program. Click Next.
  3. Select the task Create a desktop shortcut (optional), then click Next. Click Install, then Finish.

The Batch Tool is installed. You can now configure the Batch Tool properties.

To configure the Batch Tool:

  1. Launch the Batch Tool.
  2. On the left side menu, click the Directory field. Navigate to the directory containing your engagement files and click Select Folder.
  3. (Optional) Select Save reports and backups in a different directory, then click the Report and Backup Directory field to designate a backup location. Navigate to the directory and click Select Folder.
  4. If Working Papers protection is enabled, enter the administration level credentials in the Username and Password fields. If required, you can save the credentials to your workstation by clicking Login Credentials and adding them to the list.
  5. (Optional) Enter a value in the Duration (hours) field to terminate the update process after the specified number of hours. If this field does not contain a value, the update process will run until all files are updated.
  6. (Optional) Click Language Settings, then in the language drop-down at the top of the window, select the applicable interface language.

The Batch Tool is configured and ready to run a task.

Run a task

The Caseware Batch Tool can run the following tasks on your engagement files:

Run a health check

The health check task scans your engagement files for issues and inconsistencies, such as incorrect CaseView database versions, incorrect client file versions and missing documents.

To run a health check:

  1. On the Tasks list, click Health Check.
  2. (Optional) Select Filter by year end date to filter your engagement files by the year end date. The health check will only run on files within the specified date range.
  3. Do not select any of the Auto Fix Options until you've performed the initial health check. The resultant report will inform you if you need to rerun the health check with one of these options selected.
  4. Click Next.
  5. A list of engagement files displays based on your directory and filter configurations.

    Category Description
    Name Displays the name of the Working Papers file.
    Year End Date Displays the file's year end date.

    Displays a brief description of why updates are not available or supported. The following are examples of analysis results:

    • Locked down
    • Client file version lower than minimum supported Template version
    • Client file already on the latest version of the Template
    • File Signed Out
    • File Checked Out
    • Year End Date out of specified range
    • Unknown Version
    • Incorrect Username/Password

    Deselect any files that you do not want to include in the health check.

  6. Click Next to run the health check.

    Note: You can click Cancel at any time to stop the health check process and generate the report from only the completed files.

  7. A summary of the health check displays. Click View Report to view the results in greater detail.

The health check report may list recommended fixes for files where an issue has been found. To resolve these issues, select the applicable fix from the Auto Fix Options and run another health check.

Run a year end close

The year end close task enables you to close out client files in bulk when you're ready to start the next year's engagement.

To run a year end close:

  1. On the Tasks list, click Year End Close.
  2. (Optional) Select Filter by year end date to filter your engagement files by the year end date. The year end close will only run on files within the specified date range.
  3. (Optional) Select Lock down the original file to ensure no changes will be made to the original file.
  4. Select the naming conventions for the next year file:
    • New file name: Select whether to use the Operating name or Client number from the Engagement Properties dialog as the name for the next year file.
    • Add the year end date to the file name: Select whether to include the year end date in the next year file name, whether to prepend or append it to the file name, and specify the date format.
  5. Click Next.
  6. A list of engagement files displays based on your directory and filter configurations.

    Category Description
    Name Displays the name of the Working Papers file.
    Year End Date Displays the file's year end date.

    Displays a brief description of why updates are not available or supported. The following are examples of analysis results:

    • Locked down
    • Client file version lower than minimum supported Template version
    • Client file already on the latest version of the Template
    • File Signed Out
    • File Checked Out
    • Year End Date out of specified range
    • Unknown Version
    • Incorrect Username/Password

    Deselect any files that you do not want to include in the year end close.

  7. Click Next to run the year end close.

    Note: You can click Cancel at any time to stop the year end close process, though in-progress and completed files will still be closed.

  8. A summary of the year end close displays. Click View Report to view the results in greater detail.

Run an engagement update

The engagement update task enables you to update the functionality and content of your templates and template-based files in bulk.

To run an engagement update:

  1. On the Tasks list, click Engagement Update.
  2. (Optional) Select Filter by year end date to filter your engagement files by the year end date. The engagement update will only run on files within the specified date range.
  3. Select an update method:
    • Update all: Select to update functionality and content based on the default settings.
    • Functionality only: Select to update functionality and exclude any content changes.
    • Select settings file: Select to update functionality and content based on a custom settings file (if previously created during a template update).
  4. From the Installed Templates list, select the templates that require updates.
  5. Click Next.
  6. A list of engagement files displays based on your directory and filter configurations.

    Category Description
    Name Displays the name of the Working Papers file.
    Version Displays the current version of the file. When Audit and Financials are merged in a single file, the Audit version number displays before the Financials version number.

    Displays a brief description of why updates are not available or supported. The following are examples of analysis results:

    • Locked down
    • Client file version lower than minimum supported Template version
    • Client file already on the latest version of the Template
    • File Signed Out
    • File Checked Out
    • Year End Date out of specified range
    • Unknown Version
    • Incorrect Username/Password

    Deselect any files that you do not want to include in the engagement update.

  7. Click Next to run the engagement update.

    Note: You can click Cancel at any time to stop the engagement update process, though in-progress and completed files will still be updated.

  8. A summary of the engagement update displays. Click View Report to view the results in greater detail.

Run a year end close and engagement update

The year end close and engagement update task enables you to close out client files and update the functionality and content of your templates and template-based files in bulk.

To run a year end close and engagement update:

  1. On the Tasks list, click Year End Close and Engagement Update.
  2. (Optional) Select Filter by year end date to filter your engagement files by the year end date. The year end close and engagement update will only run on files within the specified date range.
  3. (Optional) Select Lock down the original file to ensure no changes will be made to the original file.
  4. Select the naming conventions for the next year file:
    • New file name: Select whether to use the Operating name or Client number from the Engagement Properties dialog as the name for the next year file.
    • Add the year end date to the file name: Select whether to include the year end date in the next year file name, whether to prepend or append it to the file name, and specify the date format.
  5. Select an update method:
    • Update all: Select to update functionality and content based on the default settings.
    • Functionality only: Select to update functionality and exclude any content changes.
    • Select settings file: Select to update functionality and content based on a custom settings file (if previously created during a template update).
  6. From the Installed Templates list, select the templates that require updates.
  7. Click Next.
  8. A list of engagement files displays based on your directory and filter configurations.

    Category Description
    Name Displays the name of the Working Papers file.
    Year End Date Displays the file's year end date.
    Version Displays the current version of the file. When Audit and Financials are merged in a single file, the Audit version number displays before the Financials version number.

    Displays a brief description of why updates are not available or supported. The following are examples of analysis results:

    • Locked down
    • Client file version lower than minimum supported Template version
    • Client file already on the latest version of the Template
    • File Signed Out
    • File Checked Out
    • Year End Date out of specified range
    • Unknown Version
    • Incorrect Username/Password

    Deselect any files that you do not want to include in the year end close and engagement update.

  9. Click Next to run the year end close and engagement update.

    Note: You can click Cancel at any time to stop the year end close and engagement update process, though in-progress and completed files will still be closed and updated.

  10. A summary of the year end close and engagement update displays. Click View Report to view the results in greater detail.

This online help system applies to all Caseware Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.